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RE: How Can You Cure Cancer for $5?

in Olio di Balena15 days ago

Where there is a profit to be made you can count on big pharm to be there! Eventually cures for all cancers will happen, and it's probably closer than we believe. At first they will be outlandishly expensive but eventually prices will come down as greed to get more sales will take place.

In a couple hundred years people may be essentially immortal, dying only from severe traumas as aging will be eliminated. Wouldn't it be nice to live two or three thousand years in a 25 year old body? We were born too soon, kind a sad reality. But maybe our great grandchildren will be the lucky generation where it happens!


Well I hope that the big pharm companies wouldn't become more powerful and hoard their medical solutions and discoveries. The way it's going, it looks like it's going to get worse and even worse.
One way or the other I think all these outlandish inventions will be the Achilles heel of humanity, but we know that some of the latest inventions are targeted towards crazy things like immortality and anti-aging.

I think the ordinary people like you and I don't even know what's happening out there, in terms of inventions. I agree that next generations will probably discover a lot more