Understanding How Motivation Works

Motivation is simply referred to as the reason a person does something. It is the force that drives human actions. In other words, motivation is the force that begins and ensures that a goal is achieved. Motivation is that force that drives you to work diligently to get promoted at work or it helps you to control your diet and exercise regularly to lose excess weight. Motivation propels you to take actions that move you closer to your goals.


Motivation can spring up from outside of the individual (extrinsic motivation) or develop internal from a person (intrinsic motivation). So, there are times when we are motivated by our environment, the people around us and so much more. They motivate us to take that big decision that could change your life for good. And sometimes the motivation comes from within you, to stop you from limiting yourself to your present state of mind and make you think big.

Motivation serves as a guide for human behaviors, hence it is important to understand how it works among other factors. When you understand motivation it can drive you to take action instead of procrastinating and help increase your efficiency as you strive and work hard to achieve your set goals. In addition, it helps you to take overall control of your life and help you take healthy life decisions.

If you have been faced with making tough decisions in life you'd know that it is more than having the idea in your head and initiating the process, it requires some serious drive to keep you going. For instance, it is not enough to decide to cut down on your weight or to study hard to pass your promotional examinations, you must have the persistence to keep going irrespective of any obstacles on your way. It is persistence that will keep you working out even when your body is telling you to discontinue due to fatigue.


The motivational level of a person can vary from time to time, that is, there are times when you may be highly motivated and fired up to work towards achieving your goals and there are times when you may feel reluctant or even clueless.

I will highlight some quick useful tips that you can employ when you are beginning to lose motivation. They include:

  • Focus your attention on things that are important and useful to you. This will enable you to keep pushing no matter the challenges you encounter on your way.
  • If your goal seem to be too overwhelming you can adopt the method of breaking it into bits. This will enable you to approach each bits at a time.
  • Build your confidence to a point where you are convinced that you are capable of doing anything. Confidence increases your motivational level to the peak.


Motivation is important in all areas of human endeavour from career to parenting to fimaces to health and well-being to psychology and so on. This is the more reason it is important to understand how motivation works.