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RE: Match a SONG to this PHOTO: Photogames Musical Monday Season4 Week3

in PhotoGames3 years ago

You see, I live in some northern country, so your photo gives me bright associations with a southern port, a taste of a cheerful and leizure life under the hot sun, swimming in tropical seas, dancing, drinking ... Therefore, there is a lot of music that will be a perfect soundtrack for your photo. For example, this track from the Planet Squeezebox accordeon music compilation (1995) : 'Hospitaleira Vacaria' by Renato Borghetti.
( I also thought about 'Calor la Vida' by Marie Laforet, but then chose the track without lyrics at all.)


Well, for my particular & peculiar taste in music matching photos with them. I would have selected this one of Renato Borghetti for the 1st or 2nd place of the prizes. ;o)

Yo!!! cool to find a similar taste to music and some appreciation to this splendid stuff. By the way, if you manage to find somewhere the said accordeon compilation (planet squeezebox), there is much more great stuff there, just a recommendation. ❤️❤️ Best wishes to you!

I found it. And you are right! Enjoying them while I write these lines. ❤️❤️ :)


My greatest pleasure to share these -- oldies but goldies. Precious! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

 3 years ago  

Hello @portal-xenna, welcome to the PhotoGames community!

To learn more about PhotoGames and how to play please read PhotoGames History and info about Season 4 which runs from May 9- June 6, 2022.

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Enjoy the games!

thanks! ❤️

Thank you very much @portal-xenna for stopping by and sharing this beautiful song :)