In the current day and age, the ability to access immutable community forums of sorts where individuals from all walks of life and geographical location can come together to share information, news and report on government perpetrated atrocities in their local area and beyond. In the advent of a situation where the only way to ensure our freedom from oppression and tyranny is through bearing arms this community can and will be armed and mobilized against the government threat.
Welcome to H.A.T.E.D
HIVE Anti-Tyranny Education Distribution
What is Tyranny?
Tyranny occurs when good men do nothing to oppose a government who is overstepping their bounds and imposing their will on others by rule of force, out of fear of incarceration or by violence against their own people or others. Dictatorships such as Mao, Stalin and Hitler are prime examples of tyrannical governments that did incredible damage to not only their own peoples but other regions within their reach.. Tyranny however isn't always perpetrated by dictator type governments and can just as readily occur in "democratic" systems as well and isn't simply a historical situation.
Even in the modern day we have begun to see a sharp increase in tyrannical methodology used against people in various countries by various governments. Where a population is being told what they can and cannot do by a government that doesn't follow the same set of laws is tyranny as well as hypocrisy, sadly this appears to be the direction a notable percentage of not only 2nd and 3rd world countries but even 1st world countries governments have begun acting over the past years.
Without strong minded individuals willing to call out atrocity and keep governments in check by any means necessary they almost certainly will act in ways that serve to not only solidify their own positions of power, but also as history dictates time and time again, governments not held accountable for their actions on the world stage by the population will surely devolve into genocidal situations, experimentation on the populous or even worse.
Why This Exists and What This is For Ideally
Regardless of location, colour, creed, sexuality, gander or religion you are welcome here provided you're genuinely concerned about the state of the world and its many governments overstepping their bounds to effectively subdue or control their populations. Feel free to share news, plans, historic happenings, messages of hope and freedom or whatever else you believe will help people push back against governments and their agencies victimizing people. You are Us, We are You.
Keep things civilized, intelligent and focused. This isn't a place for fools or jackasses, this is a place for the next generation of global civil war revolutionary to gather and conduct themselves as the population militia they need to be against tyranny and oppression. We stand for the right for people to live without fear of their governments, as life was intended to be..
"When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."
Thank you for taking your time to read this and deciding if you're ready to join the resistance against tyranny on this planet. There is a cold war against the average man and his ability to live freely and without prejudice from governments. Free men do not ask their government for permission.
Freedom of speech is entirely encouraged and protected here, regardless of if the message shared offends or scares people.. And THAT there is a beautiful thing in my opinion worth fighting for...
I'll leave you with the track below in order to get you into the mood to fight against any and all would be tyrants, foreign or domestic, present or future.. We are the resistance, Welcome to H.A.T.E.D!
Fuck yeah, some lamb, those riffs are crunchy AF.
The woke army was out full force talkin bout how the 4th is only for white people, fuckin sissies.
Fuck the woke folks who think that their somehow special for having beliefs that go against the grain. No respect for people who talk mad shit and/or point out global issues but sit in compliance and wait for people like you or I to do something to save them from the situation.
Im with ya man, all we can do is be good stewards and move forward i guess. The critical race stuff is kind of crap tho. Like they looking to point out the racism in me no matter what, fuck that.
Racism is a throw back from our societal evolution where generally we lived in tribes and people that didn't look like you were generally the ones coming to kill/rape/conquer or whatever. While I don't believe genetics is a good excuse to be dicks to people who don't look like you or believe in the same sky daddy as you.. I can see how it ended up within the human ethos.. It's a survival mechanism left over from a time far in the past.. (or still valid where people kill eachother over beliefs / skin color)
For sure man, tribalism and our primitive nature. Its too much for us to put it that way. The people who call themselves activists cant accept it. Even though they might live in the most peaceful times yet. Fighting for peace is good and equality is good, but they are more concerned with the equality of outcome, which is crap.
Equality is sort of a farce in some sense.. There is always going to be weaker and stronger willed, bodied and minded folks in comparison to others.. While we're "all equal" on a spiritual level to try and pretend everyone is the same physical strength, intelligence or possess the same skillsets is downright preposterous feel good bullshit that only serves to comfort children that might be waking up tot he fact they aren't as strong or are way more intelligent than their peers.
The fact of the matter is almost nothing is created equal when it comes down to biology.. Rather than shrugging this off and pretending that we're all equal we should be quicker to point out not only our own but others strengths and weaknesses compared to our own in order to not squander gifts of difference between biological specimens..
Physically I'm a notable percentage weaker (~20%) than most males my age who work in physically demanding jobs.. However in regards to intellect my advantage falls well within the polar opposite of my physical weakness resulting in having a good 25% advantage IQ wise over the north American average..
This doesn't mean that a body builder is greater or lesser than me or one of us is superior.. But it's likely the body builder could kick my ass easier due to the strength advantage they possess while I could likely completely outwit them in most situations..
One wonderful thing about swapping strength for intellect in my case.. is in this day in age me defending myself or someone else against some mongoloid muscle brute doesn't rely strictly on my physical strength and prowess alone, but rather allows for the use of quick wit/thinking to be able to execute tactics adaptively or use tools/weapons or martial arts technique to nullify or use their own strength advantage against them..
Survival of the fittest doesn't always mean the strongest or smartest either.. In a lot of cases evolution tends to favour those quickest to adapt or find means to take advantage of a situation in the environment that other less intelligent members of the species may have overlooked.
Embrace what makes you unique and learn to leverage it to support your allies and destroy your adversaries more effectively than the average and you'll quickly find yourself in a situation where you're fittest for survival in a plethora of situations.
LoL....ur intellect haha. Youre a smart dude no doubt but I get you and im with you 100%. People with our view will always keep fighting to be able, to have our view. Theyre trying hard to steamroll anyone in their way tho. Good talkin tho man, see ya on next posts
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L O G...
LoG has always had the "Music to start a revolution to" vibe for me.. Not sure exactly why.
good pick!
Start it!
It's already begun my friend.. It's just that people are starting to realize they hold all the power, not the go damn mega corps and corrupt fucking governments.