I;ve been using Linux as a daily driver for 11 yrs already. Just not to the extent of learning all of the sub structure.
Darpa was doing something similar to that up around you. Lots of reports of a low freq hum around Alaska. So they might be doing a war of soundwaves with them, lol.
Maybe they should blast some death metal at them!
Oh I am acutely aware of the EMF experimentation going on up here, we've got fucking CIA enclaves up here fucking nuking people with all sorts of nasty shit. My personal favourite being the Frey effect microwave hearing "voice of god" weapons.. Nothing like electronic schizophrenia to really fuck with people covertly..
I've actually got a PCB blueprint to build one of the fucking things.. But I'm not sure I even have anyone that I would wish to microwave to put voices into their head to be honest.. If I've an issue with someone as neat as it is to be able to nuke em and drive em nuts with "voices" it's super pussy shit in my opinion.. Have to really piss me off to justify microwaving you... and frankly you get a way better effect if you don't fuck around with the pulse modulation required to get the Frey effect hearing shit to happen.
I heard from someone that making a microwave cannon is as simple as gutting a microwave magnetron and sticking it into a metal horn... Point at person you want to get cancer'd, plug it in and walk away.. The only issue is the more moisture in the air the less effective it is at distance and if you put too much power into the magnetron it'll make the targets electronics bug the fuck out, alerting them that something is wrong..
Supposedly the best way to nuke em is super low power so they don't get the heating effects that are noticeable, but get the DNA damage over a period of time..
Note: This is not anything I expect anyone to ever make their own version of, microwaving people to give them cancer is all sorts of morally fucked up, but is a DIY directed energy weapon that basically any fucking idiot can create and deploy.. Just remember, anything a microwave can to do an egg it can do to your eyes and balls and a certain percentage WILL bounce back off the walls in your place and irradiate the room the horn is in. DO NOT MAKE MICROWAVE CANNONS AND USE THEM ON PEOPLE.. On Rats or hornets nests? Go for it!
The physics and electronics behind a crude "schizophrenia" frey effect gun can be seen here:
As you can see, with less than a few hundred dollars of hardware you can microwave voices into peoples heads.. Not only is that super fucked up but when combined with a psyop can completely debilitate a target.. Add some "gang stalking" in there while having an operator or 3 beaming their voices into your head and its a recipe to have people written of as a mental health nut, discrediting them in the eyes of the medical community and allowing for even further harassment of the target to take place.. https://stopzet.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/electronicsbehindv2k.pdf
TLDR: Fuck the CIA and anyone else who microwaves civilians for lulz or experimentation.
Kinda like a cell phone?
Cell phone in pocket tends to fry reproduction especially in males or people who hold those fucking things right to their head during a call have a significant increase in brain cancers studies are showing..
Not surprising really.. We didn't evolve in such an EMF / RF polluted world and something tells me a lot of disease we see may very well be caused or accelerated by us constantly being bombarded..
Their 5G infrastructure will be a wonderful target when shit hits the fan. I've actually mapped all of the obvious towers in my area out to avoid the fucking things as well as plot them out in the off chance they need to be put into the "unplanned rapid deconstruction via buckshot" mode in which they aren't a threat nor useful for communication at that point.
NOT SAYING PEOPLE SHOULD GO SHOOT 5G TOWERS... it's way more cost effective and knocks the station out for longer if you just burn down the building at it's base, then just shoot the antennas for sport later once the fire department responds to put out the server hut at the base that succumbed to a terrible "smelting" accident.
Alternatively the previous mentioned Microwave cannon may be able to fry the circuits in the fucking things as well.. Not tried this yet and purposefully destroying telecomms infrastructure is a felony in most places.. So do what you wish but do it smart! :D