Hola a todos los amigos que a diario hacen vida en esta bella comunidad, el dia viernes que iba camino al liceo me llamo la atencion de lo que pude observar en el cielo, lo primero que pude apreciar fue como arena dispersa y e segundo un gran agujero.
Yo creo que es Dios que forma esas imagenes, y algo nos quiere expresar, porque tiene que ser algo sobrenatural que forma esas cosas, una vez me confirma que debe hacer algo super a nosotros en este mundo, Tenemos un Dios pintoresco.
Hello to all friends who daily make life in this beautiful community, on Friday that I was on my way to school I was struck by what I could see in the sky, the first thing I could see was like scattered sand and second a big hole.
I believe that it is God that forms these images, and something wants to express us, because it has to be something supernatural that forms these things, once it confirms to me that he must do something super to us in this world, we have a picturesque God.
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