I hope you all have a happy Thursday, I hope you are feeling great, because I am feeling great, today we went with the family to eat at a very popular place here in Maracay, that's right we went to a delicious chicken, let me put it in context, you will see that we were doing a deli on Bolivar Avenue, my cousin, my aunt, my cousin's three children, my dad and I were there.
Y como estabamos muy cansados y no queríamos llegar cocinando 😅, decidimos que iríamos a pollo rico, llegamos y de una buscamos una mesa para sentarnos y pedir la comida, mientras esperábamos, nos tomamos algunas fotos y también hablamos un rato pasando un rato agradable en familia. Espero que les haya gustado mi publicacion y nos vemos en otra.
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