Hola querido amigo hoy por la noche me no sali me quede en la casa con mi familia viendo la televisión con mi hijo a el le gusta sus caricaturas y bueno hay que ver lo que a el le gusta yo me pongo haberla tambien ya que el esta pendiente para yo tambien vea y se asegura preguntando algo de lacomiquita que esta viendo, pero al ya no pregunta lo veo y me doy cuenta que se a quedado dormido.
Hello dear friend, tonight I didn't go out, I stayed at home with my family watching television with my son, he likes his cartoons and well, we have to see what he likes, I'll start having it too since he is pending for me to see too and he makes sure by asking something about the comic he's watching, but when he doesn't ask anymore I see him and realize he's fallen asleep.