Sounds like a good weekend man! I've had mead once or twice and it's got a different flavor that you don't quite expect. It's pretty good stuff! I wouldn't mind seeing more of them around but I reckon with honey costing a bit more than other materials that's why we don't see it too often.
It's always good getting out early from work so you can enjoy some of the better parts of life! It's sad but I am looking forward to when September ends. It's just a cluster fuck of a month for me and projects. I am absolutely not putting myself in this predicament again! Lol
I wouldn't make a habit of drinking mead (or any alcohol), but it is good every once in a while.
Sucks to have to wish time away, but I understand wanting to get to a less stressful time. I'm in no rush for October, because I turn 30 next month.