We woke up on day 2 of our trip to some beautiful weather. It was warm and sunny, so we all knew that we'd spend the largest portion of the day on the beach. My parents and I always wake up several hours before @flowerbaby and my brother/his fiance. So during our few hours of alone time, we chatted while I worked on my blog content.
Speaking of that, I'm so happy to see how much interaction yesterday's post got. Thank you to everyone who was commenting and voting it up so others could find it. I thought my content would have to take a hit during vacation, but it seems a lot of people enjoy simple posts like this with a bunch of photos more than a video of me just talking about random stuff. I enjoy creating both, but the more I travel the better.
After I finished my blog, it was time to cook my morning steak. I can't seem to get anybody else to want to eat a NY Strip with me each morning, so it was all for me. Good thing I brought my cast iron skillet from home, so cooking here is nice and easy.
By the time I finished eating, everybody else started to get out of bed finally. While they were eating and stuff, I got all of our beach supplies ready to go for the day. One of the most difficult parts of the beach is the process of carrying the canopy, chairs, and everything else that we must have during our hiatus by the ocean. I always feel so accomplished once everything is set up and we are able to just chill. We were all out there together from around 10 am-230 pm. I think we all got quite a bit of sun and I'm definitely happy that I've been spending so much time working on my tan by going to the pool the last few months. This is the first time that I've arrived at the beach not being totally pale since I was 18 years old. I am turning 30 in October, so quite a while.
@flowerbaby and I came inside about 30 minutes before everyone else. This was so we could stagger our showering and everything went smoothly because of that. 6 people are one too many to fit comfortably in my mom's badass new Red/Black Chevrolet Trailblazer, so we had to drive separately to our next destination. We took a trip that was about 45 minutes away to Rehobeth Beach, DE. You see, Ocean City, MD is right on the border of Delaware. So I was able to take @flowerbaby to see Delaware for the first time. Older colonial towns up towards the New England area are so cool and much different than the architecture and landscapes down south. The drive along the beach the whole way was very pleasing and Hannah took so many photos of random things. I could tell she was enjoying herself, which I always love to see.
You may wonder why we drove to another beach while we were already at a beach. My dad had specifically mentioned that he wanted to go to the Dogfish Head Brewery, which just happens to brew some of his favorite beer and was located up the coastline in Rehobeth Beach. I'm very happy that we took the time to go there and not just because we all sipped on tasty beer together. It's also just such a unique little town and we loved walking around the central area and exploring the many different stores together.
Our food and drinks were fantastic and it was all made better by the fact that our wait for the table ended up being only 30 minutes rather than the 80 minutes they had originally told us. Plus, the first beer that my dad ordered ended up being free since the glass was only 85% full, due to the keg tapping out right as the bartender poured it.
Once we finished our exclusive beer at the cool little brewery, it was time for ice cream. Odd combination I know, but it was worth it. A few people purchased custom dog collars/leashes/shirts for their pets. Hopefully, I can get some photos of that later down the road.
It was starting to get dark and we all decided to depart back towards our condo in Ocean City. We stopped at the store on the way home and that made us arrive a few minutes after my parents. We were all out of energy and stayed up only a little bit more once we were home. In that short period of time, our upstairs neighbors came down and knocked on our door. They offered us pretty much an entire pizza that had just been delivered to them. They mistakenly ordered entirely too much and were leaving the next morning. I didn't eat any, but pretty much everyone else feasted on it.
Off to bed, we went and now here I am the following morning writing about it all. That is about it for our second day. I'm going to hop off of here and get to cooking my juicy steak for breakfast. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed the photos.
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How great to read you. There is nothing more beautiful than spending the holidays in the company of the people we love, you do very well to take advantage of the time alone to chat with your father, in the image he looks very happy
what a beautiful place you have visited, I appreciate that you let us know all these beautiful images
Enjoy your vacation a lotHello dear friend @daltono good day
I think you and I both know how lucky we are to have great families. My dad didn't have the best family growing up, in fact, he didn't have much of one at all. So now he is making up for that by being the best dad ever! He knows how to be a great friend and just a nice person in general who you can count on. Plus he sure knows how to keep a conversation going and has a fine sense of humor.
How beautiful is what you feel for your father, your admiration for him is perceived
That is the good thing in life, what could not be before, at some point it happens, life always rewards you
Congratulations on the beautiful family you have.
Enjoy the company of the people you love
To be honest, my best time of the day is to wake up while the world is still sleeping.
You are having a great holiday and family is precious mate. I lost all of mine and I am the last man standing and many days I rue the fact that we didn't spend more time together. But we all had a nomad nature and we spread into the four winds.
You seem to be doing great with yours and enjoy every minute of your stay there.
I can tell a major difference between getting up early and sleeping in all morning. I much prefer being an early riser.
It was surely difficult to accept losing your family as time continued and their lives did not. Any but if time and memories you did get to have together will surely never be forgotten by you.
Oh yes, the silence of a sleeping world is a major bonus and then later to go out and get the sunrise is always great.
Difficult times to see them all go one after the one until nothing is left. Then one wonders about life and the illusions of it. The memories are stored in my life forever my friend.
It's good to see you happy, my friend. There is nothing like traveling and vacationing with the family. And your dad looks so happy that you went to Dogfish Head 🤣.
My dad is a character just like myself. He was the one that thought of going to this brewery. I'm glad he recommended this little beach town because it was just so cool. He was very happy to get to visit this place but somehow managed to hold back and not purchase a t-shirt. I guess tasty beer is enough though.
Yeah, man, your dad's character seems as colorful as yours. Hahaha it must be hard to visit places like this and not buy anything.
Hello Honey ¿How are u? your posts are amazing. The girl look like an actress
We are marvelous. Thank you for such a kind compliment for @flowerbaby.
Beautiful pictures guys. Looks like you had so much fun. 🔥
Thanks so much! We are having a blast and it’s just getting started. Still have the rest of this week 🤩
That's awesome. Enjoy man. 🔥
excellent that all of you are enjoying your vacations and even better that you can get up early to share with us the experiences of your day in addition to loading the supplies to the car I also live near the beach and the truth is that to de-stress our noise is great from sea.
Waking up early seems to be making every day so much more enjoyable for me. I feel fulfilled rather than lagging behind by sleeping in late. Even during vacation this comes naturally.
The sound of the ocean is one of the most soothing on this planet.
the truth is that getting up early is good and more when we are near the beach in addition to listening to so many sounds which are very pleasant like the ocean
😎🤙 Awesome!
so who were the buff dudes on the beach?! :P
gotta have the cast iron skillet at all times..
You already know who those two thicc bois are 😎
This skillet never fails me, coming in very handy each morning.
Holidays but still working I see eheheh! You better take a day off to just enjoy :P
Only 60-90 minutes of work/day here compared to several hours back home. I've been feeling pretty relaxed every single day. I'm missing going to the gym daily, but the beach is even more enjoyable so it's all good.
ok ok, that sounds fair! Maybe you need to do a "Gym" session on the beach :D eheheh or some beach volleyball!
I brought resistance bands and have fooled around with them some to keep from getting sore due to laziness. Once I’m out on the beach though, I just can’t imagine doing anything but chilling for swimming 🤣 I do love volleyball though, sadly there isn’t a net at this beach.
just play it in a circle with everyone :D
Day two is in the books and it looks like you all are having a fantastic time! I an tell you are enjoying yourselves immensely because your exuberance comes through in your writing lol
We sure are. Thank you for taking a look at some of what we were able to get into together as a family.
How cute and adorable you look guys 😍😍😍😍
Looks like you guys are having an awesome time. That pizza looks delicious
We really are, this trip was much needed. Can you believe I somehow was able to avoid eating any of that pizza? I was full when it arrived and the following day I just had zero desire to start my day with a mound of dough like that. Everybody else seemed to really enjoy it though. When is a free pizza bad though?
I would have ate the shit out of that pizza. I am taking my daughter on a mini vacation this weekend. Hopefully we can get some good food.
Pizza just never sits well with me. I love bread and cheese, but my body has limits for how much bread it will tolerate.
Have fun on your trip with your daughter bro!
I appreciate the fact your spending your time with people that makes you happy which us really what we need as humans.
I could do everything solo, but it just wouldn't be as fun. I'm lucky to have people that I actually enjoy being around, so I will do my best to cherish that during the present time.
Maryland seems like a really cozy place. I was looking it up the other week; a totally different kind of place to the UK.
Maryland is pretty cool, but I think we all thought Delaware was just a bit cooler. Very similar though.
We also plan to stop in Baltimore, MD for a day after we leave the beach Friday.
You have an interesting life. Enjoy being together.
I'm truly lucky to live this life.
Good post
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