Saturday CAT fever

in Liketu5 days ago (edited)

Ayer fue un duelo para mí. Era el natalicio de mi padre.
Intenté evadir la pena de su ausencia todo lo que puede sin éxito. Al final del día la luz me llevó a su legado, tomé la cámara y los mininos posaron para mi alivio.




Rino y Turrón son adorables y se comportan a la altura de mis emociones.
Espero que lo disfruten tanto como yo.

¡Gracias por leer hasta aquí!
Si te gustó este contenido, apreciaría tu comentario.

Instagram: @3l3ida
Fotos: @eleidap - Sony a3000 Mi sueño es apoderarme de la #imagenposible aquella que capturas al levantar la mirada con el filtro del corazón. Twitter: @eleida

//////////////// ENGLISH VERSION BY GOOGLE ////////////
Yesterday was a sad one for me. It was my father's birthday.
I tried to avoid the pain of his absence as much as I could without success. At the end of the day the light led me to his legacy, I took the camera and the kittens posed for my relief.


![DSC00007.JPG]( 4tSyhASJsMbco5qPArkKMHMsBmZWuS1gQzD7mgfUqb6JMZjjJH2JVzz6xdHAm.JPG)


Rino and Turron are adorable and behave in line with my emotions.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Thanks for reading this far!
If you liked this content, I would appreciate your comment.
Photos: @eleidap - Sony a3000 My dream is to take possession of the #possibleimage, the one you capture when you look up with the filter of your heart.

Instagram: @3l3ida

discover-it, Twitter: @eleidap #liketu #photographylovers #travelphotography #photography #creativecoin