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RE: Plenty of excuses

in Liketu3 years ago

Sorry it took a while to reply, just found it now.

Yes you can edit the post as you like. It might look weird on liketu since we designed it to be simple with photo gallery on the left, and some limited descriptive words to the right. Some people have put pictures and a lot more into the description to cater for their existing audience.

I'm not at liberty to infringe on anybody's rights to do that!

On the other hand, if liketu eventually becomes a popular front-end with more than say 4000 users, perhaps people will stop doing that as their audience may infact be primarily from people already using liketu. Just a thought.


Thank you for your reply! I didn't want to make any changes before I have your opinion.
The formatting makes total sense for liketu.In fact it is much faster and easy to use and you are right, probably one day it won't even cross our mind to do it differently.
But for now it might seem a bit unfamiliar for my followers through other front-ends to have to scroll down all the pictures in order to get to the description, especially in posts with many pictures. So I'll just move the text a bit!
Thank you for your support and keep up the good work!