I'm not sure entirely why, and that isn't important, but I have also been feeling a bit down. It's more to do with the state of the world for me, with the tensions in Ukraine-Russia, I just don't like the statist way things are going recently.
Let's try be positive and show the world that it is a beautiful place full of opportunity for mutual aid.
I'm so sorry to hear this.
I have friends from both Ukraine and Russia and I am so torn by the current tension brewing in these areas. I even stay away from social media because all I see is news that creates more panic and worry. Dealing with daily life struggles is really enough, but to add the psychological trauma from the news is just too much.
I continue to hope, pray, and encouraged my friends from there that everything is going to be okay and if not, they are welcome to come over to my house and stay for as long as.
Just like you have rightly said, I will continue to remain intentionally positive and spread positivity.