El movimiento scout es la agrupación juvenil con más tiempo en el mundo, desde 1907, suma 117 años desde su fundación por Baden Powell.
Ser Scout es genial, es ser amante de las aventuras al aire libre, es mantener contacto con la naturaleza, aprender a desenvolverse en ella, aprender a aprovechar sus recursos.
Ser scout es formarse en valores, es compartir y convivir con otros scouts y aprender a ser tolerante, disciplinado, líder, empático.
Ser scout es servir, es ayudar a los demás, aprender a respetar y valerse en la naturaleza, disfrutar de ella y realizar actividades que le permitan demostrar y adquirir nuevas habilidades y destrezas, a valerse por sí mismos y a formarse como ciudadanos ejemplares y líderes de sus comunidades.
Ser scout es ser amigo de todos, es vivir nuestra promesa y ley, un código de conducta que aceptamos cuando recitamos nuestra promesa.
La promesa Scout:
Por mi Honor
Y con la gracia de Dios,
Me obligo a servir lo mejor que pueda,
A mi iglesia y a mi patria,
Ayudar a mi prójimo en cualquier circunstancia
Y cumplir la Ley Scout.
La ley Scout
El scout cifra su honor en merecer confianza
El scout es leal
El scout es servicial.
El scout es amigo de todos y hermano de cualquier otro scout
El scout es cortés y caballeroso
El scout ve en la naturaleza la obra de Dios, la cuida y la protege.
El scout obedece sin réplica y no hace nada a medias
El scout sonríe y canta en las dificultades
El scout es ahorrativo, cuida y respeta el bien ajeno.
El scout es puro en pensamientos, palabras y obras.
Su Símbolo, la Flor de Lis, su Lema “Siempre Listos”, su misión “Construir un mundo mejor”
Gracias por acompañarme hasta el final.
The scout movement is the youth group with more time in the world, since 1907, it has been 117 years since its foundation by Baden Powell.
Being a scout is great, is to be a lover of outdoor adventures, is to maintain contact with nature, learn to cope with it, learn to take advantage of its resources.
To be a scout is to be trained in values, to share and coexist with other scouts and to learn to be tolerant, disciplined, leader, empathetic.
To be a scout is to serve, to help others, to learn to respect and take advantage of nature, to enjoy it and to carry out activities that allow them to demonstrate and acquire new skills and abilities, to fend for themselves and to form themselves as exemplary citizens and leaders of their communities.
To be a scout is to be a friend to all, it is to live our promise and law, a code of conduct that we accept when we recite our promise.
The Scout Promise:
On My Honor
And with God's grace,
I obligate myself to serve to the best of my ability,
To my church and my country,
To help my fellow man in every circumstance.
And to fulfill the Scout Law.
The Scout Law
- The Scout bases his honor on deserving trust.
- The Scout is loyal
- The scout is helpful.
- The Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout.
- The scout is courteous and gentlemanly.
- The scout sees in nature the work of God, takes care of it and protects it.
- The scout obeys without reply and does nothing by halves.
- The scout smiles and sings in difficulties.
- The scout is thrifty, cares for and respects the good of others.
- The Scout is pure in thought, word and deed.
His Symbol, the Fleur de Lis, his Motto "Always Ready", his mission "To Build a Better World".
Thank you for accompanying me to the end.
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