LikeTu is using Hive blockchain. LikeTu is one of the frontends.
Other frontends are:
There have been many identity thefts in LikeTu so we ask users to verify their accounts.
To confirm your authorship of the content, could you please mention the word "Hive" in your well-established social media account like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (which has not been recently created)?
After you add it, please respond to this comment with the URL link to that social media page.
You can remove this mention, once we confirm the authorship.
Alternatively, you can contact me at [email protected]
Thank you.
I don't know what else you want from me, I don't understand everything I post personally, my posts and pictures, and yet you're cancelling my earnings and downvoting my posts, why? What else do I need to do to make sure it's me, then I am?The only thing left for me to do is stop writing posts and blogs, what do I need when you're doing this to me? Greetings, friends from Macedonia. Let's see what you have to say and if it's the same again, I'll stop doing this.
Bravo za downvote very nice .Are you enjoying yourself while doing this? What don't you like? I don't understand if you don't like my profile and what I am, ignore my post. Why do you dislike me? I really don't understand that there are people like you. I look forward to every post from people I don't even know and I like to see people from other countries, other nationalities, to get to know new places that I may never go to. It never occurred to me to write something negative to someone. Everyone has the right to write about themselves and I think that this platform is for meeting new people. But now I'm sure that you don't like it. You especially don't like me. You press negativity on every one of my posts. I can't fight it. You're the winner.
The posts that got downvoted contain photography plagiarism and it appears that there is a fake story which means a deception directed at readers.
Your personal photos were evidently created for some social media account before they were posted into Hive.
As we asked before. To confirm your authorship of the content, could you please add the link to your Hive blog to your well-established social media account like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (which has not been recently created)
After you add the link, please respond to this comment with the URL link to that website.
You can remove this mention, once we confirm the authorship.
We suspect this account to be possible identity deception so we would like to verify this account. There has been a lot of identity theft created through LikeTu
Thank you.
If it's not funny it will be sad, every post is written by me personally, all the pictures are my friends, read the texts a little bit from my posts, I'm a biker and I go with my friends every weekend and these pictures are plagiarism, don't make fun of me, what do you want from me, I don't understand. I won't convince you anymore, what do you want to do, I'm stopping with this and I will recommend to my friends that they don't bother writing posts because you don't do your job properly, so I repeat, every picture and the texts are mine, now what would a friend of mine say who is also in this project, if they keep an eye on you, they will always dislike your posts and take your earnings, that's what you are doing to me and that's why goodbye from me and my friends
i ovo je za dislajk i ovo je plagijat prevedi druze posto i ja prevodim i vidim da pisu i na druge jezike inace sam ja iz Makedonije ako neznate gde je to , to je na Balkanu bolje gledaj postove i ostavite me vise na miru ima i drugi projekata gde cu da radim kao sto je Arena i da ti ne nabrajam a mojim referalima svima cu da kazem da se prestaju da rade ovde , Pozdrav nadam se da ce google transalte lepo da ti prevede
Bruka , sramota sta radis