I am starting a new blog series around the blockchain to highlight something that's helped me so much last 2020 lockdowns - GRATITUDE🌟
At this point in time you have probably hear of Gratitude Journal - you may even have one for yourself, or maybe know someone who keeps one.
I learned this idea of "the" GRATITUDE JOURNAL way back when I was a senior in University. It was a few months before graduating college I saw a random post on our department's Bulletin Board (Announcement Board) about how a student was recommending a book that MASSIVELY CHANGED her life! It was The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. It stuck with me so I exhausted all resources available to me to find this book.
Alas I found a free PDF online - I read it with much zeal and expectation. IT WAS... mindblowing. After that I read books by her - The Magic and The Power. "The Magic" book was all about gratitude. 🦋 "Sprinkle gratitude like a magic fairy dust to everyone you come across with" - this was a line from the book that stuck with me, one I can never forget.
Since then I kept a Gratitude Journal with me - some logs are on my smartphone, most logs are on different journals I have kept throughout the years. I read my old "entries" and I found myself smiling - what helped me to be optimistic in life is... GRATITUDE.
The more I was thankful for the little things - like my healthy body, my access to safe drinking water, the air I breather - the more I was contented and blissful with wherever life takes me. The more blessings seem to be pouring in, too.
🌻 During the 2020 lockdowns keeping a Gratitude Journal helped my mental health A LOT. Counting my blessing and listing them down - my family's healthy we don't have COVID, we have food on our table despite many of us not having work, we're able to pay bills - being intentionally thankful to God for all these blessings has helped me appreciate life as it is happening. I am "in the moment". My heart is thankful - where I am.
These photos here on this blog were all taken last weekend when I sat down and took my Gratitude Journal out. With coffee on one hand and a pen on the other, I wrote my heart out. I make it a practice to incorporate my Gratitude journal in my "Me Time" which I try to have at least four to eight times a month. ✨
For the best experience view this post on Liketu
Thank you so much for your words of wisdom. It reminds me to continue writing a gratitude notes. Gratitude adds life.
Indeed gratitude adds life and so much more to one's life~!!!!😊