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RE: Let's talk dog nose a bit

in Liketu3 years ago

And other little known facts.. Dogs are "macrosmatic", which basically means that they have greater separation of smells as well. For example, when we smell pizza, we smell pizza. A dog smells and can identify all the individual components, tomato, onion, garlic, cheese(s) dough, pepperoni, pot (sometimes) etc..

I used to train dogs many years ago to use their now for disaster recovery (people), tracking (criminals, lost kids), drugs, etc. Never did the bomb stuff, but that was just my own avoidance! No one in their right mind goes sniffing around for bombs, lol!

Truly amazing they are!


Exactly, their nose is something else lol. You just named it. Throughout domestication the nose developed even further. I hear you on the bomb stuff lol. Did you know that lately the worlds famous mine rat died? She got awarded with a tiny medal once, how cute is that please?

I'm going to inspect a possible new dog later today. A Husky mix, could need you as a dog handler to evaluate him lol.

Cool on the Rat, never heard of that one.
Yes Husky's and Malamute's can be a bit stubborn sometimes. Old saying amongst trainers is you train them with a 12 gauge and 2 x 4 lol. Really they are great breeds too, in the proper context.

Exactly, proper context. The chick just cancelled but all good. She just owns him for 3 months. The dog is said to be 5, not fixed, lived on a husky farm before. Little dog aggressive, hunting but from what I heard, not in the right context right now.

I don't get why people get themselves dogs they can't handle. I would not give a dog like that to a dog walker after 3 month. She doesn't even know her dog by now.

Oh well, she canceled due to sudden illness ;).

The rat is cool right? I followed her since she became famous lol and I owned rats myself. Awesome animals!

Dog/animal aggression common for huskies if not trained away from it. Very territorial.
You can keep your rats. Too many nightmares from Willard and Ben books/movies in my younger days. I know they are smart, but not for me thanks.