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When I took the dogs out early this morning I was surprised see that one of our azaleas had made a couple of flowers. It's the heart of winter, with plenty of freezes to come. As President George H. W. Bush would have said, this will not stand.

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A while back, after I made a largeish batch of chili, we decided to freeze dry some of it to see how that might work. Turns out, it worked amazingly well.

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Since corn syrup is such poison, seed oils as well (if we trust the progeny of JFK), and on the other hand we have this huge infrastructure already invested in it, subsidies etc... Instead of forcing it into food, why not find ways to use it in construction?

Or finding ways for it to be implemented in machinery, industrial purposes etc

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The thing I find most irritating about the underpopulation folks is the lack of serious problem-solving.

Encouraging people to have more kids is just one possible solution.

There are so many more possible ones! And probably better ones than creating more humans, which is costly, harms many other goals (e.g. sustainability), and is a solution that just hands over the problem to the next generation.

It seems to me that it's just lazy thinking. Surely we can come up with a better system that doesn't require everybody to biologically reproduce.

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Vegas, you've been a blast! Time to get home to normal sized things and actually knowing what time of day it is. #vegas #lasvegas

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