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This is aggressively stupid.

People on both sides have trouble understanding that it's often not the people who you intended to pay a tax who end up paying the tax.

On the Left, it looks like corporate taxes. Corporations don't pay taxes. Only people pay taxes. The people paying the corporate taxes aren't the rich people at the top.

This has been my biggest concern regarding Trump. The Republican party was the tariff party in the 1920s. Harding and Coolidge weren't that big on toeing the party line on that issue -- Hoover was. You say that you're forcing foreign companies to pay a tax for doing business. They're not paying the tariff -- we are. We pay the tariff via higher prices on imported goods.

No, this isn't a good idea.

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We are the weakest linkWe are the weakest link 😢


It's really cheesy that Trump launched a meme coin. It shows you where his head is at and it is entirely consistent with my long-standing impression of him as a grifter. Only question is will he do a rug pull and will that lead to indictments leading to impeachment.

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Here is Trump's executive order on TikTok. He's ordering a 75 day delay in the ban. Doesn't exactly sound like good news for TikTok as he's still talking about national security concerns posed by TikTok. So sounds like he's going to try to force a divestiture just like the law.

Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, et al are still complying with the ban, so they don't seem to persuaded by this executive order.

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Presidential pardons of the unconvicted is an admission that the recipient is probably guilty.

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Tycho lost his nose in TWO separate sword fights!

It was really pretty rough. He said “you can’t cut off my nose because first you have to cut off half my nose”.

That was the first duel.

Then he said “you can’t cut off all my nose because first you have to cut half the remaining nose, and then you have to cut half of that remaining nose, and there’s an infinite sequence of things you need to do and a finite amount of time.”

It’s known, famously with a Danish accent, as “Ze Nose Paradox”.

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Si hay algo que me gusta es recorrer los pueblos, conocer sus costumbres y su gente, ayer fuí a diligencias laborales en la Ciudad de Los Teques, Estado Miranda, me gustó mucho su Catedral, había una misa a primera hora de la mañana y lastima que no supe la historia de su creación... Otro día será.

If there is something I like, it is visiting the towns and getting to know their customs and their people, yesterday I went to work errands in the city of Los Teques, Miranda State - Venezuela, I liked the Cathedral, there was a mass early in the morning, too bad I did not know the history of its creation... Another day it will be. #photography #tourism

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My habits and personal care 💆🏻‍♀️♥️ I am slowly buying my personal care creams ✨ when I was in Venezuela I had my routine more when traveling I left everything for my sister so I don't have anything left now little by little I have bought my things I have also not completely bought what I really need because I am researching which brand is best for my skin type, little by little I am getting to know them the next thing I want to buy is my scrub in name God, it is good to do this since I am close to turning 32 years old so I must take care to stay really healthy. 🌺

Mis hábitos y cuidados personales 💆🏻‍♀️♥️ estoy comprando poco a poco mis cremas de cuidado personal ✨ cuando estaba en Venezuela tenia mi rutina más al viajar deje todo para mi hermana así que no me quedo nada ahora poco a poco he comprado mis cosas también no he comprado por completo lo que realmente necesito porque estoy investigando que marca es mejor por mi tipo de piel, poco a poco las estoy conociendo lo próximo que deseo comprar es mi exfoliante en nombre de Dios, es bueno realizar esto ya que estoy próxima a cumplir mis 32 años así que debo cuidar para mantenerme realmente sana. 🌺

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En el trabajo feliz 💫🥰.

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Buen regreso a casa y recuerda de tomar mucha agua. Mucho calor hoy


Mereces todo el amor que das💕

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Que linda foto y linda frase ❤️

Gracias ami❤️


Estos días han sido de frío y griposo, por eso un poco de sol ha sido necesario para estar bien.

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Almost ready. I will share the creation process very soon.

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Happy Day, I here with my little son, taking care of him while he sleeps.
Feliz Día, yo aqui con mi pequeño hijo, cuidando de el mientras duerme.

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Una sorpresa para mí sobrina que está cumpliendo años, dónde le hicimos una pequeña reunión con los amigos, familia y conocidos. La torta muy rica gracias a Dios.

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De guardia médica unas 24 horas/
On medical call for about 24 hours

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Waiting to renew the cedula. Wearing the shirt of the best baseball team in Venezuela. The glorious Leones del Caracas 😜// Esperando para renovar la cédula. Vistiendo la camiseta del mejor equipo de béisbol de Venezuela. Los gloriosos Leones del Caracas 😜

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With relatives in Balai Emma.

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learning about liketu with @palabras1

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Hive is a world of opportunity, son, you just must be.

Go ahead.


A craving I've had for a long time: Grilled ripe plantain with butter and cheese


Un antojo que tenía desde hace tiempo: Plátano maduro asado con mantequilla y queso 🤤

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Crema de leche, uno de mis antojos para este fin de semana 😋✨.

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Pura ternura ❤️✨.

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Recuerdos de Polonia 🥰

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Celebrando ele cumple de mi primito amado.

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Algo de carne / Some meat

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