Do I check posts that are beyond 24 hr old?
I think that this is one of the major weaknesses of hive. Old information is there but not easily accessible and monetizable. It just sort of disappears. A place like reddit has great re-read value, particularly for niche topics. Instagram does the same for images. Then there are the growing pains of the hive ecosystem. I was using leo threads, but my posts just disappeared and only a few came back. I hadn't posted many images, but the ones I had posted were still gems to me. Now gone from the leo interface. Bummer.
By the way, just to let you know, I clicked on the page for the Liketu, and my antivirus pops up a warning. I'm not concerned about the site, but this seems like a potential limitation to adoption and use of this service.

@litguru It's something that seems like a broken record at this point, where even when I myself tried approach to tip and also revive old posts, people just don't have that much interest to it.
Seems like that's a bug ? I mean @elmerlin might have the answer to it. I personally don't have that problem but others with malwarebytes install might, is that browser based antivirus or just your PC?
Mine is a pc app. It might just be a problem with this app.