This area is a "neighborhood", but there is nothing "neighborhood" about it, the people are simple, honest and lead by example, that's why I like to go there.
This neighborhood is located at the end of the perimeter avenue of my City. If you look, the houses are very well painted and spectacularly clean. The patios well swept, the plants beautiful, watered and pruned.
Here I remember my grandmother, may she rest in peace: "a clean house is as pleasant as a luxurious house."
The light in this area is also very beautiful. I left at 5:30 p.m. m. and I was fascinated with the light.
I was recently talking to a friend whose son wants to return to Venezuela, more specifically to Ciudad Bolívar. He's 17 years old and she told me "my son has a $500 cell phone... and I responded - huh? - As soon as I take it out they're going to take it away...
I met her living in this same neighborhood and I took these photos with my cell phone, meanwhile they have had all their possessions stolen 3 times while they were at home.
What's my point?
People get confused. Whenever I take photography in rural places that is when I have the best time. The people are friendly, they offer me coffee and they love being photographed, everyone knows each other and supports each other.
For that reason I responded - "baby, you grew up in this neighborhood and graduated magna cum laude, don't get confused and don't forget your roots.
The good seed, even if it falls on rocky ground, grows.
Spanish Version :
Hola comunidad @liketu, hace unos días me fuí a hacer las uñas a una zona rural llamada "San Ignacio".
Esta zona es un "barrio", pero de "barrio" no tiene nada, la gente es sencilla, honesta y dá ejemplo, por eso me gusta ir allí.
Este barrio está ubicado al final de la avenida perimetral de mi Ciudad. Si se fijan, las casitas están muy bien pintadas y espectacularmente limpias. Los patios bien barridos, las plantas hermosas, regadas y podadas.
Aquí recuerdo a mi abuelita que en paz descanse "una casa limpia es tan agradable como una casa lujosa."
La luz en ésta zona también es muy hermosa. Yo salí a las 5 y 30 p. m. y quedé fascinada con la luz.
Hace poco estuve hablando con una amiga cuyo hijo quiere volver a Venezuela, más específicamente a Ciudad Bolívar. Tiene 17 años y ella me dijo" mi hijo tiene un celular de 500$.. y yo respondí - ¿ajá y? - Apenas lo saque se lo van a quitar..
Yo la conocí a ella viviendo en éste mismo barrio y yo tomé éstas fotos con mi celular, mientras tanto a ellos los han robado 3 veces todas sus posesiones estando ellos en casa.
¿Cuál es mi punto?
La gente se confunde. Siempre que hago fotografía en sitios rurales es cuando lo paso mejor. La gente es amable, me ofrecen café y les fascina ser fotografiados, todos se conocen y se apoyan mutuamente.
Por esa razón le respondí - "nena tu creciste en éste barrio y te graduaste magna cum laude, no te confundas y no olvides tus raíces.
La buena semilla, aunque caiga en terreno pedregoso, crece.
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Hello @liketu community, a few days ago I went to do my nails in a rural area called "San Ignacio".