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RE: Moscow Oceanarium

in Liketu11 months ago

I think it's not the other members who have a problem with my rewards and payments, it's you and the people around you. It is very unfair to invite resentment in this way. If someone didn't like my posts, they wouldn't reward me. I have over 100 likes on certain posts and that is a lot. And the fact that these people are unable to give a reward is another matter. Ultimately what I do with my account is a matter of my judgment. And the fact that you feel the need to punish me is very pathetic


Those posts with 100 likes are few and far between. Very few.

What you do with your account is your judgement indeed. And what I and others do is also our judgement.

If it turns out to be a judgement you don't like then so be it.

Incidentally. I find your reward farming pathetic 😀

If it turns out to be a judgement you don't like then so be it.

Incidentally. I find your reward farming pathetic
A very gentlemanly move on your part. You are truly a great gentleman. I don't influence who awards me posts, and you certainly shouldn't care either.

Well I care now my little potato 😀

If it turns out to be a judgement you don't like then so be it.

Incidentally. I find your reward farming pathetic

And if I'm a woman, I can be pathetic, and you're a man, and that's really disappointing behavior on your part. I would take advice and admonishment, but taking rewards is really terrible.

No one, certainly not I unplugged that there was anything in this other than reward farming and nothing to do with your being a woman and ia man.

It is disappointing you would try to muddy the waters of what has happened with this nonsense

oh yes, you are simply not a gentleman. I'm new, if that's the case, you could have explained to me what her problem was, instead of accusing me. I'm just having fun here, and you're protecting everyone's interests, in a very ugly way. Taking away my bad luck that I didn't steal.

I didn't claim to be a gentleman.

I did give you advice. I advised you not to cash out every penny and to post less.

You have chosen to ignore that.

I'm done with talking now

advice is one thing and I would appreciate a downvote, but taking all my awards is something else.

My downvote, including the trail that follows me isn't enough to remove all your rewards. I guess there were others that also disagreed with your rewards