Cuando fui a Perú, caminando en un pueblo que no recuerdo su nombre, me encontré a varias señoras vendiendo sus telares mientras seguian haciendo más, les pregunte que cual era su proceso y me pusé a platicar un poco. Ellas me dijeron que ellas mismas hacen los hilos de lana, que los pintan con elementos naturales como raices, insectos y flores, despues de que pintan la lana comienxan a tejer con ayuda de un tronco para poder amarrar los primeros hilos, tienen unas tablas donde van sosteniendo el telar y a la vez lo van apretando, y con la ayuda de un hueso (es como si fuera su aguja) empiezan a eter hilos de colores y despues de un rato se empieza a ver formas de muchos colores.
Esos telares son muy caros, pero son hermosos y son hechos a mano y de historias, lastimosamente yo no pude comprar uno pues no me alcanzaba el dinero pero pude apreciar la belleza que pueden realizar unas manos llenas de amor.
When I went to Peru, walking in a town that I don't remember the name of, I found several women selling their looms while they continued making more, I asked them what their process was and I started to talk a bit. They told me that they make the wool threads themselves, that they paint them with natural elements such as roots, insects and flowers. After they paint the wool, they begin to weave with the help of a trunk to be able to tie the first threads. They have some tables where They are holding the loom and at the same time they are tightening it, and with the help of a bone (it is as if it were their needle) they begin to ethereate colored threads and after a while you begin to see shapes of many colors.
Those looms are very expensive, but they are beautiful and they are made by hand and stories, unfortunately I could not buy one because I did not have enough money but I was able to appreciate the beauty that hands full of love can make.
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