Small Steps 👣

in Liketuyesterday


Pequeños pasitos nos llevan a grandes lugares... (O por lo menos es lo que solemos decirnos para darnos ánimo cuando no podemos avanzar tan rápido como queremos 😁.)

Obtuve gracias a Dios mi primer fondo blanco para hacer Fotos! Y aunque no es el telon profesional que anhelaba si cumple bien su finalidad 💗.

Estuve probandolo a ver dónde quedaba bien, en que lugar tenía mejor iluminación, antes de fijarlo y aproveche de hacerme unas fotitos a ver y en efecto vi jajaja.

Me gustó todo menos lo tostada que estoy 🤣, he llevado tanto sol que ya parezco teja. Y aunque me baño en protector solar y uso sombrilla, no es suficiente 🥹. El fondo blanco me hacía resaltar lo quemada que estoy.

Pero bueno, ya pronto llegará el invierno y volveremos a nuestro estado natural paliduzco. 🤭

Espero en los próximos meses adquirir los otros tonos de fondo y así pasito a pasito ir armando mi estudio. 🫰🏻🤍📸

Little steps take us to big places.... (Or at least that's what we usually tell ourselves to give us encouragement when we can't move forward as fast as we want 😁.)

I got thankfully my first white backdrop for taking Photos! And although it's not the professional backdrop I was longing for it does serve its purpose well 💗.

I was testing it to see where it looked good, where it had better lighting, before fixing it and I took the opportunity to take some pictures to see and indeed I saw hahaha.

I liked everything except how toasted I am 🤣, I've worn so much sun that I already look like a tile. And even though I bathe in sunscreen and use an umbrella, it's not enough 🥹. The white background made me highlight how burnt I am.

But hey, winter will be here soon and we'll be back to our natural pale state. 🤭

I hope in the coming months to acquire the other background tones and so step by step I will be putting together my studio. 🫰🏻🤍📸


For the best experience view this post on Liketu


nice photo studio, and with a humble white backdrop, it pops. Looking forward to seeing more of you and your creations

Thanks my friend @vixmemon... I look forward to doing more creative portraits. Thanks for your support! 📸✨

my pleasure.. you deserve every bit of appreciation. You probably followed your dream

These shots are great! Your outfit in these shots is so good, I love the hearts on your pants! It's funny that you're not happy with your suntan, people in my area spend so much money to look like you do, haha.

@aussieninja I made these pants myself almost a year ago, my friend. Totally handmade... I also like it very much... And yes hahahaha it's a bit contradictory. I don't like to look so tanned. 😁😁

Tal cual dices, vas dando pasitos y cuando volteas en algún momento, ya tienes mucho camino andado.
Felicidades por esa nueva adquisición.

AMENNNNMMM amén amén amiga! 📸♥️.

Muchas gracias por tus palabras y bonitos deseos! 🫂🤍