The search

in Liketu2 years ago


Spanish version

La búsqueda

Todos los días parecían iguales. La vida no parecía alterarse. Siempre igual y rutinaria, y eso no le molestaba. Hacer las mismas cosas, entusiasmarse con lo mismo, disfrutar de lo mismo siempre, molestarse o entristecerse de vez en cuando. Era su vida.
Pero un día cambió. Miró hacia atrás y vio el largo camino recorrido. Luego miró hacia adelante y comenzó a pensar en lo incierto del futuro y lo absurdo de su vida hasta ahora. Ya nada sería lo mismo. Había vuelto su mirada y la había dirigido al camino que tenía en frente. Consciencia, le llamó.
¿Cuál era su propósito en el mundo? ¿De dónde venía y a dónde iba? ¿Qué sentido tenía todo a su alrededor? ¿Era la vida sólo eso?
Al hacerse esas preguntas se dirigía a un punto sin retorno. La búsqueda.

¿Y tú? ¿Pasaste al punto sin retorno?

English version

The search

Every day seemed the same. Life didn't seem to change. Always the same routine, and that didn't bother him. Do the same things, get excited about the same thing, enjoy the same things all the time, get upset or sad from time to time. It was his life.
But one day it changed. He looked back and saw the long way he had walked. Then he looked ahead and began to think about the uncertainty of the future and the absurdity of his life so far. Nothing would be the same anymore. He had turned his gaze and directed it to the road in front of him. Awareness, he called it.
What was his purpose in the world? Where did it come from and where was it going? What sense did everything around him make? Was life just that?
By asking these questions, he was heading to a point of no return. The search.

And you? Have you passed the point of no return?

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