Hello all my beloved friends who have our pride platform. This time I will share content for a plant that has just recovered from its baby.
Hello semua sahabat tercinta yang yang ada platform kebanggaan kita ini.
Kali ini saya akan membagikan sebuah konten untuk sebuah tanaman yang baru saja beranjak pulih dari bayi nya.
The_ green leaves spoil my eyes to win this picture.
Hijau nya daun yang memanjakan mata saya untuk menangkan gambar ini.
What is certain is that this plant is not foreign to all of us, because this is a plant that is commonly planted by farmers in our area. More clearly this plant is a rice plant. One of the staple foods of Indonesians and myself included........ He he lol 😁😁😁😁😁
Yang pasti tanaman ini tidaklah asing bagi kita semua, dikarenakan ini tamanan yang lumrah di tanam oleh petani yanga ada di daerah kita. Lebih jelas lagi tanaman ini adalah tanaman padi. Salah satu makanan pokok orang indonesia dan termasuk saya.
He he lol 😁😁😁😁😁
This rice plant is currently around 30 days old -+ , at this time it really needs more than enough water, why is that. Because when rice is still young like this, it is very necessary to make its roots longer and stronger, therefore this rice plant really needs water, even fertilizers and other similar medicines that I did not mention 1/1 the names.
Tanaman padi ini saat ini masih berusia sekitar 30 hari -+ , pada masanya saat ini sangat membutuhkan air yang melebihi dari cukup, kenapa demikian. Karena disaat umur padi masih usia belia seperti ini, sangat perlu untuk membuat akar nya lebih panjang dan kuat, maka dari itu tanaman padi ini sangat membutuahkan air, bahkan pupuk dan obat lain sejenisnya yang tidak saya sebutkan 1/1 nama nya .
Now, when the rice is old, it will move for more than 2 months, the rice doesn't need much water anymore. Just enough with the rain, so that the fruit of the rice is more dense and dense.
Nah disaat umur padi ini nanti beranjak jalan 2 bulan lebih, padi tidak membutuhkan banyak air lagi. Hanya ckup dengan rintiknya hujan, agar buah padinya lebih banyak dan padat isinya.
For the harvest later this rice plant must be aged 3 months +-.
Untuk hasil panen nantinya tanaman padi ini harus berusia 3 bulan +-.
This afternoon when I was walking around my area, I saw this rice plant and I thought this was pretty good for my content, then I took my cellphone to capture the original image from my Samsung A325f, if the picture isn't too pretty, please inquire excuse me, because I only have a simple cell phone.
Siang hari tadi ketika saya berkeliling di sekitaran daerah saya, saya melihat tanaman padi ini dan menurut saya ini lumayan bagus untuk sebuah konten saya, kemudian saya mengambil ponsel saya untuk menangkap gambar asli dari samsung A325f genggaman saya, jika gambarnya tidak terlalu cantik, mohon di maklumi, karena saya hanya memiliki ponsel sederhana.
Best wishes and I hope we are always in good health hivers friends ..........❤❤❤❤❤❤🤝🤝🤝
Great pics!
Do you often go out to take photo ?Hello @mirza000 !
It is the best combo ever
Walking out and cleanplanetI would say to you that you could add some @cleanplanet dated photo report, using cleanplanet tag and mention @cleanplanet ...
I am sure you can find some microplastic to remove from the soil to the bin... and then preserve the environment by your own action.
You could receive good upvote from @cleanplanet account and also by the curation trail.
You could receive PLANET TOKEN TOO (with its burning protocol)
See you !
Feel free to visit CLEANPLANET WEBSITE
@cleanplanet - since 2018
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Posted via D.Buzzthanks for the compliments mate. I travel a lot to capture images. and thanks for the advice. I will use the @cleanplanet tag next time.
Pictures look good. But just curious on why you added the cannabis, and weed tag? FYI those 2 tags publishes you post to the Weedcash front end where it is a tribe for cannabis, and psyadelic related content. In the future you will catch some flags for doing so. Nothing persanal, we just need to keep this place on topic.
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