[ESP/ING] Cresta de gallo_ Cockscomb

in Liketu11 months ago

Mi gente linda, está tarde salí a caminar un rato y pues mientras iba de la mano con mi hija me encontré con esta hermosa planta y me llamo mucho la atención ya que es primera vez que la veia

My beautiful people, this afternoon I went for a walk for a while and while I was walking hand in hand with my daughter I came across this beautiful plant and it caught my attention since it was the first time I had seen it.


Tampoco sabía cómo se llamaba, pero ya que me llamo mucho la atención le pregunté a la dueña y ella me dió el nombre

I didn't know what it was called either, but since it caught my attention I asked the owner and she gave me the name.


