Gangster style

Who says Friday 13th and Black Cats are unlucky? Here I am in both scenarios at once. Yep, this was my Friday 13th January 2023!

One of the 'failed' portraits. It's like she knows what is going on, and plays dumb to never look at the lens ...

Then if we want to get both of them with eyes open, that's another game of patience, timing, distracting all at once!

A pensive stare off into the distance ... probably looking if there are any birds to catch over yon

To get them sitting together, doesn't always happen. Especially at this golden hour of late afternoon.


From some angles she can sure look crazy. Oh but did I mention, she is crazy ... hahaha

"It's a sign" outside a local sign maker shop that is also at the game everyone seems to be at in Thailand at the moment, selling cannabis (legally!). Something I really never thought we'd see in Thailand, and so suddenly.
Sticking with the light hearted after yesterday's heavy peice.
Here's more of them! Maybe I just think they're cute and everyone else finds them annoying ... who knows. They came into my life last year, and will be exactly 1 year old very soon. They haven't been out of my sight barely the entire time - which is incredible.
Won't be long now and they'll have the first experience of being in a boarding house without me for a few days - depending how much longer I can stay out of dodge by only making visa runs to the border. Or should some luck or money fall my way, a trip over to a neighbouring country for a few days could be a welcome break.
So without further ado, it's January 2023, Happy Lunar New Year of the Rabbit! 'Gong Xi Fa Ca' as they say in China, which means 'I hope you get rich'.
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Wonderful! Thank you for sharing, @newtonclassics
I just have one request...more cats please!
Annabelle 😍