In the center of the island are hidden several secrets, those that refresh and calm. The one I show today is located in the basin of the Hanabanilla River, where the lake of the same name is born and crosses the Escambray mountain massif.
El Nicho
In 33 years I had never visited this place, and although it may seem strange, in Cuba it is not so simple to travel, and even less to places that are natural paradises, almost virgin.
For many years, places like El Nicho were only allowed to tourists from abroad, as part of the ecotourism offered by the country.
After the COVID-19 pandemic, these earthly paradises were forced to open to the Cuban public. Luckily for me, and as a birthday surprise, my family spent a whole weekend at the Hanabanilla Hotel.
A perfect natural combination
El Nicho has in its route a natural path of almost 2km known as Reino de las Aguas (Kingdom of the Waters). Along the trail, there are three waterfalls: Los tres deseos, Cristal and Poceta de los enamorados.
However, it is not only the freshness and transparency of the waters that border the path that dazzles, but also the music that accompanies the walkers on their journey.
The thundering of the waters descending from the mountain, rather than noise, is composing a spellbinding melody, as the creaking wood of the bridges that you must cross at various points along the way.
You are also accompanied by ferns, orchids, and lively vegetation, nourished by the natural springs.
At the top of the mountain, where the waterfalls from more than 30 meters, there is a viewpoint. Up there, the solitude, the fresh air, the natural smell of the landscape, the flowers, and the chirping of birds such as the tocororo (an almost extinct bird), allow you to reconnect with your inner self.
A space away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the deafening noise of cars, and the daily shortages and problems that more than once overshadow life.
En el centro de la isla se esconde varios secretos, de esos que refrescan y calman. Este que muestro hoy se encuentra en la cuenca del río Hanabanilla, donde nace el lago con el mismo nombre y atravesando el macizo montañoso Escambray.
El Nicho
En 33 años nunca había visitado este lugar, y es que aunque parezca raro, en Cuba no es tan simple viajar, y menos a lugares que son paraísos naturales, casi vírgenes. Por muchos años, sitios como El Nicho estaban permitidos solo a extranjeros, como parte del turismo ecológico que ofrece el país.
Luego de la pandemia por COVID-19, estos paraísos terrestres se vieron obligados a abrir para el público cubano. Para suerte mía, y como regalo de cumpleaños, mi familia estuvo todo un fin de semanas hospedada en el Hotel Hanabanilla.
La combinanción natural perfecta
El Nicho, tiene en su ruta un sendero natural de casi 2km conocido como Reino de las Aguas. Avanzando por él se encuentran tres cascadas: Los tres deseos, Cristal y Poceta de los enamorados.
No obstante, no es solo la frescura y transparencia de las aguas que bordean el sendero, lo que deslumbra, sino la música que acompaña a los caminantes en su recorrido. El tronar de las aguas descendiendo de la montaña, más que ruido, componen una melodía hechizante.
Te acompaña además, helechos, orquídeas, y una vegetación vivaz, alimentada por los manatiales naturales.
En la punta de la montaña, donde el agua se despeña desde más de 30 metros, hay un mirador. Allá arriba, la soledad, el aire fresco, el olor natural del campo, las flores, y el trinar de aves como el tocororo (casi extinta); te permiten reconectar con tu yo interior.
Un espacio alejado del bullicio citadino, el ruido ensordecedor de los autos, las carencias cotidianas y los problemas que más de una vez opacan la vida.
P.D: All photos are my own
For the best experience view this post on Liketu
It is definitely looking like the hidden gems of Cuba. It even looks very nice from the picture. I bet it's pretty amazing when you're there physically too.
it's magical, it's like going through a portal and finding yourself in an unknown but enchanting land.