Bendiciones a todas esas bellas personas que comparten las alegrias y triunfos en hive, todos los exitos alcanzados en esta vida son marcadas en la memoria de los que la viven.
Una vez mas estoy aqui llena de gozo porque al fin mi hija a obtenido en mano su titulo de bachiller, es increible ver como ella esta creciendo rápidamente.
Cuando pasaron los bachilleres y los sentaron a cada uno en su lugar mi corazon no aguantaba las emociones no sabia si queria gritar, reir o llorar, pero valio la pena tantas luchas y pruebas.
Las madrugadas motivandola que no se durmiera, que si podia alcanzar ese sueño de graduarse; en realidad no se como describir lo que senti en ese momento cuando escuche decir su nombre.
Los ojos se me llenaron de lagrimas pero con una gran sonrisa en mi rostro, entre tantos nervios me sorprendió porque respiro y muy serena subio al estrado le dio la mano a cada uno de sus profesores, con alegria recibe su medalla y su titulo de Bachiller de la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela.
Pude ver mi Fe moverse en los aires, bajando las escaleras su papa la abrazo fuertemente y yo la veia desde mi asiento porque era un poco complicado pararme e ir a donde ella estaba, pero igual muchos besos se lanzaban al aire mutuamente con brillos en los ojos.
Entregaron varios reconocimientos a la institucion, una coral canto el Himno Nacional mis pulsaciones estaban al maximo, cuando dijeron que ya eran bachilleres, senti que todo el lugar se paralizó por un momento, en mi mente pasaban rapidamente imagenes de cada año escolar de estudio.
Como una pelicula mis pensamientos se volvieron locos recordando cuando a su lado la consolaba en la angustia de haber salido mal en un examen, los nervios de la preparacion para cada exposicion, los repasos de las complicadas ecuaciones de matematicas del cuaderno a la pizarra, pero lo mejor fueron las alegrias de cada evaluación lograda con exito.
Podia ver en ella cuando una materia le gustaba y otra no; esas diferencias de cada materia le sacan su mejor potencial, cuando me decia mama ayudame en ingles ese apoyo siempre estaba alli; ver como dominaba fisica y quimica me sorprendió cada vez mas, pero tambien me daba mucha risa lo torpe que era en educacion fisica, ella sabe que heredo los dos pies izquierdo de su papa.
Que las actividades con pelotas como baloncesto, voleibol no tenian buena relacion con ella, las anecdotas despues de correr me hacian reir, de verdad si me pongo a contar cada cosa detallada pasaría muchas horas escribiendo.
Esta promocion numero XIV sobrevivio a la pandemia, tuvo muchos obstaculos que superar, mis respeto a todos los bachilleres de este año, muchos compañeritos de ella tienen la mala experiencia de tener padres fuera del pais y eso le conmovió el corazon.
Que padre no quiere ver y vivir estos maravillosos momentos unicos, nuestros hijos son valientes guerreros de la vida que van conquistando donde llegan, porque asi es mi vision hacia mi niña.
El salon del evento fue en Via de Escape, es un lugar muy solicitado; de verdad fue un privilegio cuenta con un espacio para 360 personas ese es el mas pequeño, porque tambien tiene un lugar mas grande que puede albergar como 5 mil personas aproximadamente.
Al salir del acto fuimos a comer pizza, pasear un rato en el centro comercial la Cascada; alli muchas familias estaban celebrando marcando huellas.
Un pedacito de mi vida dejo por aqui y culmino con estas palabras " Ahora es que inicia tu historia hija mia".
Las fotos son de mi autoria, menos la Primera foto donde sale mi princesa recibiendo el titulo; esa fue tomada por @anthony2019, el Pequeño Gigante con sus camara Canon T5.
Blessings to all those beautiful people who share the joys and triumphs in life, all the successes achieved in this life are marked in the memory of those who live it.
Once again I am here full of joy because at last my daughter has obtained in hand her high school diploma, it is incredible to see how she is growing rapidly.
When the high school graduates were seated in their places, my heart could not bear the emotions, I did not know if I wanted to scream, laugh or cry, but it was worth so many struggles and tests.
The early mornings motivating her not to fall asleep, that she could achieve her dream of graduating; I really don't know how to describe what I felt at that moment when I heard her name called.
My eyes filled with tears but with a big smile on my face, among so many nerves I was surprised because she breathed and very serene she went up to the podium and shook hands with each of her teachers, with joy she received her medal and her title of Bachelor of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
I could see my Faith move in the air, coming down the stairs her dad hugged her tightly and I watched her from my seat because it was a little complicated to stand up and go to where she was, but still many kisses were thrown in the air mutually with sparkles in their eyes.
They gave several awards to the institution, a choir sang the National Anthem, my heart rate was at its maximum, when they said that they were already high school graduates, I felt that the whole place was paralyzed for a moment, in my mind images of each school year of study passed quickly.
Like a movie, my thoughts went crazy remembering when I was next to her and consoled her in the anguish of having failed an exam, the nerves of preparation for each exposition, the review of the complicated math equations from the notebook to the blackboard, but the best were the joys of each successful evaluation.
I could see in her when she liked one subject and didn't like another; those differences in each subject brought out her best potential, when she told me mom help me in English that support was always there; to see how she mastered physics and chemistry surprised me more and more, but it also made me laugh how clumsy she was in physical education, she knows she inherited both left feet from her dad.
That the activities with balls like basketball, volleyball did not have a good relationship with her, the anecdotes after running made me laugh, really if I start to count every detailed thing I would spend many hours writing.
This promotion number XIV survived the pandemic, she had many obstacles to overcome, my respect to all the high school graduates of this year, many of her classmates have the bad experience of having parents out of the country and that touched her heart.
What parent does not want to see and live these wonderful unique moments, our children are brave warriors of life that are conquering where they arrive, because that is my vision for my girl.
The hall of the event was in Via de Escape, it is a very requested place; it was truly a privilege to have a space for 360 people, that is the smallest, because it also has a larger place that can accommodate about 5 thousand people approximately.
After the event we went to eat pizza, walk for a while in the Cascada shopping center; there many families were celebrating marking footprints.
A little piece of my life I leave here and culminate with these words "Now is the beginning of your story my daughter".
The photos are of my authorship, except the first photo where my princess receives the title; that was taken by @anthony2019, the Little Giant with his Canon T5 camera.
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