Well, I already have the car active, thank God, and the truth is that it is not easy to fix it yourself, but I managed to do it, although I still have a small boat, however I was able to go out with my wife for insurance, to buy some medicine, and to get fuel. .
First I went to the San Ignancio pharmacy located in the El Sisal shopping center, I was looking for an antibiotic for my son Asael, but the truth is that it was very expensive, while my wife was looking around by phone in other places, in the end it was at Farmatodo that It was cheaper.
But first I took my wife to the insurance, there they performed a treatment on the wound that was left from the cesarean section, it turned reddish on one side, while I stayed with the baby in the car, my wife was with our friend Maribel accompanying her.
Thank God everything was fine, but they told him not to take any more alcohol because it was burning his wound. From there we went to look for Asael's medicine at Farmatodo, and that way we would buy a cream that they sent to my wife through the insurance.
At once we take advantage of supplying fuel because the queues are already becoming evident because as we know there is a problem with fuel and the truth is that people are preparing by saving fuel for what may happen in January with the presidential inauguration!
Bueno, ya tengo activo el carro gracias a Dios y la verdad no es facil arreglarlo uno ismo pero si lo logre, aunque aun me tiene un pequeño bote, sin embargo pude salir con mi esposa para el seguro, a comprar unas medicinas y a surtir combustible.
Primero fui para la farmacia San ignancio que queda en el centro comercial el sisal, estaba buscando un antibiotico para mi hijo Asael, pero la verdad es que estaba muy caro, mientras mi esposa averiguaba por telefono en otros sitios, al final fue en Farmatodo que estaba mas economico.
Pero antes lleve a mi esposa para el seguro, alli le realizaron una cura en la herida que le quedo de la cesarea, es que se le puso asi como rojizo en un lado, mientras mee quede con el bebe en el carro, mi esposa estaba con nuestra amiga Maribel acompañandola.
Gracias a Dios todo bien, pero le dijeron que no se hechara mas alcohol porque le estaba quemando la herida, de alli fuimos a buscar la medicina de Asael en Farmatodo, y asi comprariamos una crema que le mandaron a mi esposa en el seguro.
De una vez aprovechamos de surtir combustible porque ya las colas se estan evidenciando porque como sabemos hay una problematica con el combustible y la verdad las personas se estan preparando guardando combustible por lo que pueda pasar en enero con la toma presidencial!
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