Hace poco tiempo, mirando en mi disco pude encontrar esta imagen que saqué en 2016, fue una de mis primeras transacciones con bitcoin y la blockchain.
Usaba una app de celular llamada claim btc o free btc. Cada 5 minutos me daba cierta cantidad de satoshis, que al dia de hoy serian una locura. Me acuerdo que en el colegio me la pasaba todo el dia con el telefono cobrando esos bonos e intentaba explicarle a mis compañeros lo que hacia aunque nadie entendia.
Cada tanto esta lindo recordar los comienzos, me acuerdo la felicidad que sentí cuando vi que llegaron mis satoshis a la cuenta, por mas que eran solo $0.11 mi felicidad fue tal que decidi sacarle una foto a la pantalla...
A short time ago, looking on my disk I was able to find this image that I took in 2016, it was one of my first transactions with bitcoin and the blockchain.
I used a cell phone app called claim btc or free btc. Every 5 minutes he gave me a certain amount of satoshis, which today would be crazy. I remember that at school I spent all day on the phone collecting those bonuses and I tried to explain to my classmates what I was doing although no one understood.
Every now and then it is nice to remember the beginnings, I remember the happiness I felt when I saw that my satoshis arrived in the account, even though they were only $0.11, my happiness was such that I decided to take a photo of the screen...
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