Buenas tardes gente bella de Liketu. Espero que se encuentren super bien. Paso por aca a compartirles lo que fue mi ultimo viaje a colombia. En la bella ciudad de Valledupar. Me encanta este lugar porque siento que te involucras demasiado con el origen del vallenato, nada mas y nada menos porque fue aqui donde inicio este genero musical.
Mientras caminas por las calles siempre escuchas un vallenato bonito, incluso a medio dia y a las seis de la tarde cuando suena el himno de colombia en la radio, suena su version vallenata. Eso me impacto bastante, ya que son una comunidad muy creyente en lo propio.
Ese dia me maquillaron, me arregle y nos fuimos al aeropuerto del valle a grabar unas escenas importantes de un tema que hicimos en colaboracion con otra artista llamada "Karolina con K" la cual me encanto conocer. Cuentame que te parecio mi maquillaje? Nos vemos en la proxima.
Good afternoon beautiful people of Liketu. I hope you are doing great. I'm here to share with you what was my last trip to Colombia. In the beautiful city of Valledupar. I love this place because I feel that you get too involved with the origin of vallenato, nothing more and nothing less because it was here where this musical genre started.
While walking through the streets you always hear a beautiful vallenato, even in the middle of the day and at six in the evening when the anthem of Colombia is played on the radio, the vallenato version is played. That made quite an impact on me, since they are a community that believes in their own things.
That day I was made up, I got ready and we went to the airport to record some important scenes of a song we did in collaboration with another artist called “Karolina con K” which I loved to meet. Tell me what did you think of my makeup? See you next time.
Translated with DeepL.com
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