Cumple en familia - Celebrate with my family [Esp-Eng]

in Liketu6 days ago

Mi cumpleaños cae en julio. Siempre en invierno en mi país Argentina. Durante muchos años me tocó trabajar y a veces ni podía ir a festejarlo con mi familia. Pero ellos siempre me esperan, no importa la hora que sea.

My birthday falls in July. It always happens in winter in my country, Argentina. For many years I had to work and sometimes I couldn't even go celebrate with my family. But they always wait for me, no matter what time it is.

Eran más de las 23 horas. Salí muy tarde del trabajo. Apenas llegué a mi departamento, agarré al gato y nos fuimos a festejar a la casa de mis padres.
1 hora y media de viaje.

It was after 11pm. I left work very late. As soon as I got to my apartment, I grabbed the cat and we went to celebrate at my parents' house.
1 hour and a half drive.

Mi madre junto a mi hermana hicieron esta hermosa torta. Toda decoración de ellas dos. Faltaban solo unos minutos y terminaba mi día, pero llegué justo faltando 10 minutos para que finalizara mi cumpleaños. 😆

My mother and my sister made this beautiful cake. All the decorations were done by the two of them. There were only a few minutes left and my day was ending, but I arrived just 10 minutes before my birthday was over. 😆

A los pocos minutos de haber soplado las velas, tomamos algo, charlamos hasta las 2 de la mañana y volví a mi departamento, ya que al otro día debía ir a trabajar nuevamente.

Fueron años difíciles, pero había que hacer el sacrificio. Hoy disfruto de ese sacrificio que realicé y estoy full time con mi familia y mascotas. 🥰

A few minutes after blowing out the candles, we had a drink, chatted until 2 in the morning and I returned to my apartment, since I had to go to work again the next day.

They were difficult years, but I had to make the sacrifice. Today I enjoy that sacrifice I made and I am full time with my family and pets. 🥰

Aclaración: Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad.
Disclaimer: All images are my property.