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RE: ES ¿Fue un buen HardFork el que estamos viviendo? // EN Is it really a good HardFork what we’re getting?

in Hive Mexico4 years ago

No, you don't deserve another chance for anything on the platform.
You are not new.
Will you deny your multiple accounts?
If you say you know that you do not remember them, here are the links.

I think the only thing you are new to is this account with which you comment.
You are an abuser and not very smart.

@usmanii @guest01 @guest02 @guest03 @guest04 @guest05 @guest06 @guest07 @guest08 @guest09 @guest10 ......


Head I'm new to the same account head mistake made give please

@usmanii is only 1 acount only one sir why you are not understanding sir

Sir i don't no i think waivio hive and are different but its my mistake its humble request please

What you do with your many guest accounts is not well seen, neither by me, nor by anyone on the platform.
If you want to make up those downvotes, just work, and even I can help you.
You will have to work hard to correct your mistakes, remember that in blockchaing everything is visible and if you commit another abuse, we will know.@usmanii At no time did I mention or make mention of waivio.

Yes its my mistake sir seriously i don't know in my my mind waivio hive are are same i am posting on same on three platforms now i am on - 2 check my last blog sir i write now my post will not show to the people sir next time i can't do these mistakes its my promise

Buy my rank now - 2 please help now give chance last i am on 44 rep sir its humble request humble please sir

No, instead of commenting here.
Prepare a post with an apology to all users for your abuse.
You say you are new, when I have seen your account and they have months (@guest07) who are you kidding.

Sir i tell you i don't know tgey are same platform i tell u sir ita my mistake i apologize 🙏🙏 sir i join wavio first then hive sir seriously i don't know these are same its request sir kindly cancel your downvote i deleted my copied post its humble request

Sir i tell you i don't know tgey are same platform i tell u sir ita my mistake i apologize 🙏🙏 sir i join wavio first then hive sir seriously i don't know these are same its request sir kindly cancel your downvote i deleted my copied post its humble request

I will not withdraw them.
I repeat, from today create original content, do not spam or any other type of abuse, and I can help you regain your reputation.
Do not insist, or I will take other measures, in addition to raising the corresponding report.

I post today original content sir but my reputation to much low sir tgey will not show to people 😭

Ok sir now i try for mt best hardwork its my promise

I tell the truth sir really apologize its request please remove downvote please

Upvote my rank please give last chance last please please please its request next time i didn't do wrong

@fuerza-hiapna sir i tell you truth respected sir i don't know they are are Same platform thats why sir please please remove downvote give chance

Check my last 4 blog when i understand i didn't copy kindly give me a chance its humble request humble