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RE: The Kingdom powered by Hive. DHF proposal

in KBK3 days ago

I don't support very many proposals (I take a very hard-headed business-oriented view when it comes to spending DHF money), but I've voted for this one. It is the first proposal I've seen for a very long time that looks like someone has put together a actual detailed business case. 😀

The reasons I like it, and would say to any of my friends reading this that it's worth voting for, are these;

  1. The objectives are measurable and tangible, not some vague "yeah, it'll be good for Hive" waffle. That means that by the end of it, we'll know if it's been successful, failed, or nearly got there but needs some fine-tuning.
  2. It is time limited, not open-ended.
  3. It builds on pre-existing success and has a strong focus on marketing Hive to non-users.
  4. It explains how the funds will be spent, in enough detail to tell me someone has actually sat down and thought about it.
  5. It supports @distriator which is a project I am a big fan of.

But I do have a couple of questions/thoughts, mostly based on curiosity....

  1. How many new Hivers has the project onboarded so far, and how many of those are still active ?
  2. While appreciating that most of what you do is non-profit, has any thought been given to non-core offerings which could reasonably have small charges applied (e.g. a small commission if anything made in the arts & crafts or chocolate-making sessions is sold to the wider public, or offering one-to-one support with Hive coding for a fee ?) This would then help fund any extension of the proposal to slightly reduce the funding required from the DHF.

So all in all, well done on the professional way you've presented this proposal, and I hope you get enough votes to get the funding. I'll be watching with interest !


I've started my adventure with blockchain throught this marvelous place.

Thank you, and welcome to Hive ! It's always good to get a first-hand view of a project 😀

 3 days ago  

Thanks for your comment! This proposal took dozens of hours to prepare, so it's nice that someone appreciates it :)

How many new Hivers has the project onboarded so far, and how many of those are still active?

It's hard to tell, because we don't keep statistics. Nevertheless, we delegate RC to new accounts that do not have enough HP from the @hive.aid account. There are 131 such accounts. So the total may be 200, because the delegation was withdrawn from those accounts that have reached a high enough HP level.

How many are active? Here it is also difficult to say, because it depends on the definition of activity. If it is publishing posts, then certainly about 20. If we add voting, commenting and transferring tokens then 2x (or maybe even 3x) more. In my opinion, that's still not enough, so that's what this proposal is supposed to focus on as well. Especially since a large group of people who don't have a Hive account go to @krolestwo account regularly and read what has been happening or what is planned.

While appreciating that most of what you do is non-profit, has any thought been given to non-core offerings which could reasonably have small charges applied (e.g. a small commission if anything made in the arts & crafts or chocolate-making sessions is sold to the wider public, or offering one-to-one support with Hive coding for a fee ?) This would then help fund any extension of the proposal to slightly reduce the funding required from the DHF.

We didn't want this proposal to be the size of a book, so unfortunately not everything is described in detail. In any case, we currently cover about $1,000 each month. These are basic costs such as rent, electricity, Internet. We are successful because the supporters for the tokens can get various rewards, such as tea, snacks, our ceramics. They can also rent space. This motivates them. This system, based on our own tokens, works, but it requires a much larger scale if we want to grow and do big events, for example.

Our goal is to become fully self-sufficient in future projects. This, however, requires reaching more new people with information. A year ago we really had a huge problem with this. The situation was improved by the support of @valueplan. Now we want to take more steps forward. To sum up: we want all elements of this proposal to become standard at the Kingdom and be able to continue in the future without any support from the DHF.