Image by Steve Bidmead from Pixabay
Magic Hive Torch!I woke early this morning, exhausted after yesterday's #HiveChat, to the smell of burning. It wasn't till I checked in on Hive over coffee, that the cause became obvious: I had been handed the
She then passed it on to me!! Thanks Katie!HERE.And there I was, thinking I had been dreaming all night about smoldering love, when in reality it was my Hive feed about to explode into hot, Hive fire! 🤣 My dear Hive friend, @traciyork, had passed along the latest version of the Torch experiment to my other good friend, @plantstoplanks, to see how quickly we can transfer funds and trust other users on the blockchain. For those interested, check out the origins of the latest incarnation from @stayoutoftherz's post, found
The Rules:
If you got passed the Hivetorch to you, increase the amount by 1, leave it as it is, or add anything between 0 and 1. It is up to you. Don´t reduce the amount and don´t add more than 1 Hive - it is not about collecting money.
Send the Hive as soon as possible to someone who is active on Hive and whom you trust that he/she will follow the rules and forward the torch to the next one.
In the transfer, use this Memo
"Hivetorch - Count x - please read the rules at" whereby you increase the count no. by 1 (so if you got the memo with count "23" then put "24" in your memo).
Choose as the next Hivetorch keeper preferably someone who has not yet been selected and inform him/her about the transfer, so that the torch is kept in motion.
You are highly encouraged to create a post about the Hivetorch e.g. on using the picture above or any other picture (the picture must contain both a torch and the Hive logo) and the tag #hivetorch. Please post it in the Hivetorch community.
After 333 transfers @stayoutoftherz will create a poll to let the community decide what to do next (continue, give the sum to a Hive-related project, distribute to minnows, burn it, etc.)

Image by Christine Engelhardt from Pixabay
Lotus Garden curation post every Thursday. But there's more.From one super woman to another, I am passing the torch along to @minismallholding! This woman is amazing!! I first encountered her in the @ecotrain community, and then @naturalmedicine, where she also curates and contributes the @minismallholding is highly active in the Homeedders community, the Homesteading community and the Needlework community. She curates for @curangel in her spare time, when she's not momming, teaching or working out in her urban homestead with her brood of chickens. She's one of the quiet achievers on Hive, always looking for ways to build community, to uplift, to learn, to support and to grow.
I have no doubts that @minismallholding will pass the #hivetorch along to another worthy torch bearer!
Let's Set Hive on Fire!

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WHOO HOO! Nicely done, @artemislives & excellent choice! Funny thing - I'm still smelling burning today - probably in part because everyone is fired up today on Hive & Twitter! Plus, I'm trying to process & think about all the amazing things that have happened in the past 24 hours alone - must've cooked more than a few brain cells in the process... 🤣
I'm hoping it is my IN BOX self-combusting after a stray ember dropped - it's at the feral end of creative clutter and becoming daunting. 😆
#HiveChat outcomes for Q1 are my first early morning task - it's after 10pm and I need an early night. My entrepreneurial day job gig is hotting up too.... - or maybe it's THAT I can smell burning??!! 🤣
Have an incredible day - more in a bit when I am rested and restored. Off to resume my smoldering lover dreams.... 😍
I wondered why you'd sent me 95 Hive. I thought you'd suddenly lost your mind! 🤣
You've also suddenly clarified for me why I always seen so busy. I never really put names to my roles before , so thank you for the humbling words as you pass it on to me and putting some things into perspective for me.
I'm just climbing into bed, right now, so I'll sleep on it before I decide who to pass it on to.
Get some good rest, my dear.... it's 1.30am where you are!! I look forward to reading Lotus Garden over my early morning coffee.
Not quite! 12:30am. Goodnight.
turns out it was 1am! I guess that's how tired I was.
An excellent choice to carry that flame forward! All these Hive ladies are keeping things fired up around here for sure. Happy to be a small link in such a strong chain!
Thanks for the shout out, the great connection and the constant positivity!
Keep the fire burning!! 🔥🔥🔥