Creating Abundance - Recieving The Hive Torch # 78 And Passing It On!

in Hivetorch5 years ago (edited)

Three days ago I received the Hive Torch


from @father2b. When he connected me I have to admit I had no idea what he was talking about, it is hard sometimes to keep up with all that is happening in our great community. Especially recently as I have been quite unwell with a stomach infection. I have just not been engaging as much as I usually would have. But this has been going on a while now, it started originally over on steemit, but was started up here by @stayoutoftherz and I had the pleasure of receiving it with 99 hive which meant that I got to add 1 hive bringing it up to 100 hive. WooHoo! And also I get to be the 78th person and my birth year is 78, so double WooHoo!

Okay let me rewind a bit and explain the aim of this wonderful initiative, (for those like me who didn't know) When you receive the Torch a certain amount of Hive is attached onto to it (all added by the previous Torch Holders), so then you get to add no more than 1 hive and pass it on to someone else. That way the amount can build up and once it reaches 333 there will be a poll to decide what to do with it all . This torch is all about the community and I personally would like to see it go way beyond 333.

I love the fact that it is all about us Hive members creating abundance, so that we can help out an individual or community that would benefit from it. We can all afford to add 1 Hive and take pride in the fact that we done this together.

I ended up holding onto the torch for 3 days, as I have been having internet problems recently and still feeling a bit under the weather,( that saying is a funny one no?, under the weather, implying that it is best to be out of the weather, when really being outdoors is so important to help us heal) but this morning I reached out to fellow member @vincentnijman and passed on the torch to him. Vincent has such a huge heart and I am really happy to have connected with him on here and to now call him a dear friend.

little contest, if you like writing go check it out!)A big thank you to Stephen as well aka @father2b for putting me in the know and entrusting me with the torch!(Stephen has just posted a really great

After receiving the Torch, it makes me wonder what other amazing initiative’s I am missing out on, but also how lucky I am to be on here and with such a wonderful community of people. So here's to continuing to create abundance and see the torch far exceed all of our expectations. xxx


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Torchbearer #71 Salutes You!! 😍

I was so excited to get the torch from Vinnie.. now just gotta find time to pass it on. Hope your stomach infection is better!!! It's hard to HIVE sometimes and we all need to engage with a life off chain - I know right.. there's a life off chain!!! As much as I love it here we can only do what we can do. Xx

Thank you for your kind words, Aishlinn. It amazes me to hear that you could bear the torch for 3 days, knowing how hot it is and has been in your area. We are experiencing some cooler days ( in between ) here but I still managed to pass on the torch to @riverflows after only holding it for a minute or 10.

Okay, I admit. I thought I might forget to pass it on, if I waited too long.

After receiving the Torch, it makes me wonder what other amazing initiative’s I am missing out on, but also how lucky I am to be on here and with such a wonderful community of people. So here's to continuing to create abundance and see the torch far exceed all of our expectations. xxx

Whoever invented FOMO didn't make things easier on us.

Let's keep building community and spread the loving arms of abundance


Wishing you guys cool breezes!!! Oh yeah I had to do it fast so I didn't forget too!!!

This is a great idea, even when we reach 333 we should do it again.