Praise and worship week 60 // God of the nations (cover) by @alfredawuhe

in Sound Music3 days ago

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He is glorious in all his ways, angels and saints, dominion and thrones bow before him, humanity have tasted him and seen that he is God and God forever. I choose this song to reflect the theme of the week "Divinidad" which means Divinity. I pray and hope you are blessed with this entry.
I have tasted and seen
That you are the great and mighty GoD
No one like You, no one like YouHello viewers, happy new month to all of you, its praise and worship week 60 , I'm @alfredawuhe and I'm doing a cover song by Samsong titled "God of the nation". The song is focused on the sovereignty of God, He is the God of the nations none can be compare to Him.

I have tasted and seen all power belong to you
No one like you no one like You

I have tasted and seen that you are the God that answer prayers
No one like you no one like you
I have tasted and seen that you are God all by yourself
No one like no one like you

You are God of the nations no one like You
You are the only one like You
You are God now and forever no one like You
You are the only one like You
You are God of the nations no one like you
You are the only one like x2

Verse: I have tasted and seen……..

Call: You are Glorious
Resp: Glorious
You are the only one like you the only one like you

Call: You are faithful
Resp: Faithful
You are the only one like You the only one like You
Call: You are Mighty
Resp: Mighty


Es glorioso en todos sus caminos, ángeles y santos, dominio y tronos se inclinan ante él, la humanidad lo ha probado y ha visto que él es Dios y Dios para siempre. Elijo esta canción para reflejar el tema de la semana "Divinidad", que significa divinidad. Rezo y espero que seas bendecido con esta entrada.
He probado y visto
Que eres el dios grande y poderoso
Nadie como tú, nadie como tu Hola espectadores, feliz nuevo mes para todos ustedes, su alabanza y adoración de la Semana 60, soy @alfredawuhe y estoy haciendo una canción de portada de Samsong titulada "God of the Nation". La canción se centra en la soberanía de Dios, él es el dios de las naciones, ninguno puede compararse con él.

He probado y visto todo el poder que te pertenece
Nadie como tú nadie como tu

He probado y visto que eres el Dios que responde las oraciones
Nadie como tú nadie como tu
He probado y visto que eres Dios solo
Nadie como nadie como tu

Eres Dios de las naciones, nadie como tu
Eres el único como tu
Eres Dios ahora y para siempre nadie como tu
Eres el único como tu
Eres Dios de las naciones, nadie como tu
Eres el único como x2

VERSO: He probado y visto …… ..

Llame: eres glorioso
Res: glorioso
Eres el único como tú el único como tú

Llame: eres fiel
Resp: fiel
Eres el único como tú el único como tú
Llama: eres poderoso
Resp: poderoso
Fuente ft-eben-de-the-nations/& ved = 2AHUKEWJHQCWWW4DYLAXVQZ0EAHBUPL18QFNOECBKQAQ & usg = aovvaw1abu_hixzqcsleefk3h_vf

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Wow I love your entry and the energy you use is this song keep up the good

God of all the nations there's non like him.
Nice entry

Amazing. Keep it up sir

No one like God 🙏,all power belong to him .

Nice one brother, thanks for sharing

Nice entry from you bro. There's no one like God.

Amazing and wonderful presentation bro it so beautiful to listen and hear from your wonderful vocal rendition, keep it up 👍👍

I enjoyed how you enjoyed yourself while singing, very free spirited. Well done.

No one like him i tasted all over always check your key man keep growing you will get there 👍♥️👋👋👋

Thanks for sharing with us, indeed there is no one like God. I love this rendition keep it up