Banyu Langit (Cover) by Chrisma Cys

in Sound Music3 years ago (edited)

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Hello everyone, my name is Chrisma Cys. This is my first video.
I cover this song with my friends, Yves on guitar 1, Imuk on guitar 2 and me on vocal.

Song title : Banyu Langit (Water of Heavens)
Original Creator and Singer : Didi Kempot (RIP)
Genre Music : Campursari

and I will share with you original lyric and translate lyric.

Sworo angin
Angin sing ngreridu ati
Ngelingake sliramu sing tak tresnani
Pengen nangis
Ngetokke eluh neng pipi
Suwe ra weruh
Senajan mung ono ngimpi
Ngalem neng dadaku
Tambanono roso kangen neng atiku
Ngalemo neng aku
Ben ra adem kesiram udaning dalu
Banyu langit
Sing ono nduwur kayangan
Watu gedhe
Kalingan mendunge udan
Atine wong sing kasmaran
Setyo janji
Seprene tansah kelingan
Ademe gunung merapi purba
Melu krungu swaramu ngomongke opo
Ademe gunung merapi purba
Sing neng langgran Wonosari Yogjokarto
Janjine lungane ra nganti suwe suwe
Pamit esuk lungane ra nganti sore
Janjine lungo ra nganti semene suwene
Nganti kapan tak enteni sak tekane
Udan gerimis
Telesono klambi iki
Jroning dodo
Ben ra garing ngekep janji
Ora lamis
Gedhene nggonku nresnani
Nganti kapan
Aku ora biso lali
Ademe gunung merapi purbo
Melu krungu suaramu ngomongke opo
Ademe gunung merapi purbo
Sing neng langgran Wonosari Yogjokarto
Janjine lungane ra nganti suwe suwe
Pamit esuk lungane ra nganti sore
Janjine lungo ra nganti semene suwene
Nganti kapan tak enteni sak tekane

The sound of wind, a wind that teases this heart
Reminds me of you, the one that I love
I feel like crying out my tears, rolling down my cheeks
Been a while since the last time we met, even in a dream

Lay your head, lay your head on my chest
Please mend this pain of longing you in my heart
Lay your body, lay your body close to mine
To give you warmth amidst the raining night

Dear the water of heavens up in the sky
Dear the big boulders enshrouded by the cloudy rain
Please soak the hearts of those who are in love
A faithful love, I keep remember every now and then

The cold Ancient Merapi Mountain
Is also able to hear your voice
The cold Ancient Merapi Mountain
In Nglanggran, Wonosari, Jogjakarta

You promised me that you won't leave for too long
Leaving in the morning, coming back by the dusk, you said
You promised me that it won't take this long
Albeit forever, I will always wait

Dear the drizzly rain, please wet this clothes
So that my heart won't dry up while embracing its promises
My love to you is immense, it's not even a nonsense
Until forever, I just cannot forget it

The cold Ancient Merapi Mountain25
Is also able to hear your voice
The cold Ancient Merapi Mountain
In Nglanggran, Wonosari, Jogjakarta


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