Cantad Alegres al Señor/ Sing joyfully to the Lord

in Sound Music13 days ago

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.La Iglesia Adventista del Septimo, como muchas iglesias, tiene un himnario. Este fue modificado hace quince años. Segun esta fuente en el año 2014 este himnario, cumplio 100 años de su fundacion o creacion. A lo largo de los años ha sido modificado muchas veces.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church, like many churches, has a hymnal. It was modified fifteen years ago. According to this source in the year 2014 this hymnal was 100 years since its foundation or creation. Over the years it has been modified many times.

He tomado la iniciativa de comenzar a cantar, la mayor cantidad de himnos de este himnario. Hoy les comparto mi version del Himno numero uno, lleva por titulo, Cantad Alegres al Señor. A continuacion comparto el himno sacado de la plataforma Youtube, la version del nuevo, Cantad Alegres al Señor. Digo nuevo por que hace unos veinte años atras se cantaba un poco mas rapido.

I have taken the initiative to start singing as many of the hymns in this hymnal as possible. Today I share with you my version of hymn number one, entitled, Sing Joyfully to the Lord. Below I share the hymn taken from the Youtube platform, the version of the new one, Sing Joyfully to the Lord. I say new because about twenty years ago it was sung a little faster.

Tambien les comparto la version antigua, que se cantaba como una especie de compas partido, y se escuchaba un poco mas rapido. Por años se canto de esta forma, hasta que la iglesia tuvo que hacer un nuevo himnario, debido a que muchos de los himnos tenian persimo para ser usado hasta la fecha cuando sale esta nueva edicion, la cual conoci en el año 2010. Hay nuevos himnos, y otros ya no estan debido a que, se le pedia mucho dinero, a la iglesia Adventista Mundial por usarlos.

I also share with you the old version, which was sung as a kind of split compas, and was heard a little faster. For years it was sung in this way, until the church had to make a new hymnal, because many of the hymns had to be used until the date when this new edition came out, which I met in 2010. There are new hymns, and others are no longer there because, a lot of money was asked to the Adventist World Church to use them.

Comparto la letra de este maravilloso himno, tomada de que nos habla de, la alegria que sede tener al cantar al Señor. Habla de Servir a Dios, de que somos su pueblo, y que debemos obedercerlo, si es nuestro amo y dueño.

I share the lyrics of this wonderful hymn, taken from that speaks of the joy that we should have when singing to the Lord. It speaks of serving God, that we are his people, and that we must obey him, if he is our master and owner.

Cantad alegres al Señor
Cantad alegres al Señor,
mortales todos por doquier;
servidle siempre con fervor,
obedecedle con placer.
Con gratitud canción alzad
al Hacedor que el ser os dio;
al Dios excelso venerad,
que como Padre nos amó.
Su pueblo somos: salvará
a los que busquen al Señor;
ninguno de ellos dejará;
él los ampara con su amor.

Sing joyfully to the Lord
Sing joyfully to the Lord,
all mortals everywhere;
serve him always with fervor,
obey him with pleasure.
With grateful song lift up yourselves
to the Maker who gave you life;
Revere the exalted God,
who as a Father loved us.
We are his people: he will save
those who seek the Lord;
none of them will he forsake;
He protects them with his love.

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This is one of my best hymns...From THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY have a very good baritone voice💯💯💯...keep it up sir..

Hello, thank you for your comment. Yes also used in my church... God bless you.

Thats a beautiful song and a perfect performance my friend, Your singing style reminds me of Opera singers, and your vocal vibration control is really good. I didnt know this song, but I can say you did it like a studio version, awesome 😃🙌