La Radio Esta Tocando Tu Cancion/ The Radio Is Playing Your Song

in Sound Music2 months ago (edited)

Hace algun tiempo, esuche por primera ves esta cancion, de labios de Alex Bueno. En mi programa de Radio, la colacaba una y otra ves, por que me gustaba, su melodia, el ritmo, y la introduccion musical de la misma.
Este primero de Enero, me entere del triste, lamentable fallecimiento de uno de mis cantantes favoritos, Leo Dan.
Uso una aplicacion para cantar, y practicar canciones. En dicha aplicacion, llamada Star Maker, se pueden buscar canciones de artistas especificos.
Coloque Leo Dan y me aparecio de primero, la Radio esta sonando tu cancion.
LLevo muy poco tiempo sabiendo que el tema lo grabo originalmente Leo Dan. Como ya la habia escuchado muchas veces en Ritmo de Merengue, se me hizo facil poderla grabar para ustedes.

El tema habla de una persona que esta en un restaurant, o tambien conocido como cafe, donde sirven esa bebida. Esta la Radio encendida, y suena la cancion preferida de la chica que ya no esta.
El se acuerda de su amada, afuera del cafe. llueve, se puede ver desde la ventana, el se siente solo y se pregunta, donde estara ella, con quien estara, y anhele que ella le escriba, lo llame, por que el quiere saber de su amada, que lo dejo.
Dejo la cancion de Leo Dan de la plataorma de YouTube.

Some time ago, I heard this song for the first time, from the lips of Alex Bueno. In my radio program, I played it over and over again, because I liked the melody, the rhythm, and the musical introduction of the song.
This January 1st, I learned of the sad, unfortunate passing of one of my favorite singers, Leo Dan.
I use an application to sing, and practice songs. In that application, called Star Maker, you can search for songs by specific artists.
I put in Leo Dan and it came up first, Radio is playing your song.
I have only known for a short time that the song was originally recorded by Leo Dan. Since I had already heard it many times on Ritmo de Merengue, it was easy for me to record it for you.

The song talks about a person who is in a restaurant, also known as a cafe, where they serve that drink. The radio is on, and the favorite song of the girl who is no longer there is playing.
He remembers his beloved, outside the cafe, it's raining, you can see it from the window, he feels lonely and wonders, where is she, who is she with, and longs for her to write to him, to call him, because he wants to know about his beloved, who left him.
I leave Leo Dan's song from the YouTube platform.

Lo bonito del tema cantado por Leo Dan, es que es al ritmo de Mariachi, un estilo que me encanta. disfruto tambien la segunda voz que se escuha en la cancion.

Otros que la versionaron fueron el grupo Eklipse de Amor
Ahi les dejo su version.

The nice thing about the song sung by Leo Dan, is that it is sung to the rhythm of Mariachi, a style that I love. I also enjoy the second voice that is heard in the song.

Others who covered it were the group Eklipse de Amor.
Here is their version.

Tambien dejo, la cancion en estilo Merengue, con Alex Bueno. Recuerden que escuchando esta version, pude memorizar la melodia, de este bonito tema.

I also leave, the song in Merengue style, with Alex Bueno. Remember that listening to this version, I was able to memorize the melody of this beautiful song.

Comparto la letra de la cancion tomada de

El radio está tocando tu canción
Y yo estoy solo en la mesa de un café
Por la ventana afuera estoy viendo llover
Pensando en tí mi amor

En una servilleta dibujé
Mientras la lluvia no ha dejado de caer
Un rostro ajeno, recordandome tu amor
Mi dulce amor de ayer

Dime, en quién estarás pensando
Con quién estarás soñando
Quien puede negarte amor

Dime, quiero saber tantas cosas
Que me parecen hermosas
Quiero saber más de tí

El radio está tocando tu canción
Y yo estoy solo en la mesa de un café
Por la ventana afuera estoy viendo llover
Pensando en tí mi amor

Dime, en quién estarás pensando
Con quién estarás soñando
Quién puede negarte amor

Dime, quiero saber tantas cosas
Que me parecen hermosas
Quiero saber más de tí

The radio is playing your song
And I'm alone at a cafe table
Through the window outside I'm watching it rain
Thinking of you my love

On a napkin I drew
While the rain hasn't stopped falling
A strange face, reminding me of your love
My sweet love of yesterday

Tell me, who are you thinking of
Who are you dreaming of
Who can deny you love

Tell me, I want to know so many things
That seem beautiful to me
I want to know more about you

The radio is playing your song
And I'm alone at a cafe table
Through the window outside I'm watching it rain
Thinking of you my love

Tell me, who are you thinking of
Who are you dreaming of
Who can deny you love

Tell me, I want to know so many things
That seem beautiful to me
I want to know more about you


@tipu curate 8

Hola, gracias por el apoyo, feliz año 2025.

Hello, thanks for the support, happy new year 2025.