06/10/23 es una fecha inolvidable 🥹😍🙌🏻 porque pude conocer a un artista cristiano conocido por su larga trayectoria muy especial para esta generación 🔥
06/10/23 is an unforgettable date 😍🙌🏻 because I was able to meet a Christian artist known for his long career, very special for this generation 🔥
Les cuentooo📝 y esto será un testimonio para que todos ustedes puedan conocer que Dios es un Dios bondadoso y fiel!! ❤️
Pues para comenzar quisiera hablarles un poco sobre quién es Redimi2, su nombre real es Willy González, es un rapero Dominicano de música cristiana.
Comenzó su carrera en el 99 que junto a unos amigos comenzaron una banda, que pronto se independizarían y comenzaría su carrera como solista 🎤.
Ha colaborado con grandes artistas cristianos como Christine D’ Clario, Danny Berrios, Álex Campos, Christine D'Clario, Jesús Adrián Romero, Marcos Brunet, Tercer Cielo, Barak y Rescate, y con los raperos Vico C, Funky, Manny Montes, Alex Zurdo, y muchos mas 🎼
Ha ganado muchos premios y ha viajado por el mundo 🌍 entero llevando el mensaje del evangelio y la conciencia a muchísimas personas.
I tell you📝 and this will be a testimony so that all of you can know that God is a kind and faithful God!! ❤️ Well, to begin, I would like to talk to you a little about who Redimi2 is, his real name is Willy González, he is a Dominican rapper of Christian music. He began his career in '99 when he and some friends started a band, which would soon become independent and he would begin his career as a solo artist 🎤.
He has collaborated with great Christian artists such as Christine D' Clario, Danny Berrios, Álex Campos, Christine D'Clario, Jesús Adrián Romero, Marcos Brunet, Tercer Cielo, Barak and Rescate, and with rappers Vico C, Funky, Manny Montes, Alex Lefty, and many more 🎼 He has won many awards and has traveled the entire world 🌍 bringing the message of the gospel and awareness to many people.
Bueno, ya que les comenté un poco sobre el, quisiera contarles que yo soy su admiradora desde niña, tendría yo 10 años, tengo muy buenos recuerdos como ir escuchando su música en el carro junto a mi familia mientras hacíamos largos viajes 🚗💨 y cantábamos a todo pulmón,🗣️🎶 recuerdos que atesoro en mi corazón ❤️✨
Well, since I told you a little about him, I would like to tell you that I have been his fan since I was a child, I was 10 years old, I have very good memories of listening to his music in the car with my family while we took long trips 🚗💨 and we sang at the top of my lungs,🗣️🎶 memories that I treasure in my heart ❤️✨
Ok ok ahora les quiero contar sobre mi experiencia del viernes 6 de octubre.
A el lo estaban anunciando desde hace mesesss, pero mi hermana y yo por tener otros gastos, no pudimos comprar las entradas para el concierto. Así que llegó el día y estábamos tristes por no poder ir 🥺 y veíamos a nuestros amigos subiendo estados cuando entraban al lugar donde sería el concierto 💔
Ok ok now I want to tell you about my experience on Friday, October 6.
They had been announcing it for months, but my sister and I, due to other expenses, couldn't buy tickets for the concert. So the day came and we were sad for not being able to go and we saw our friends uploading statuses when they entered the place where the concert would be 💔
Como a eso de las 5 de la tarde veo en una publicación de Redimi2 que ya había llegado a Marcay, y pudimos reconocer el hotel donde se estaba quedando, y por cosa de Dios, queda muy cerca de donde vivimos🏡, y le digo a mi hermana -vamos al hotel, le llevamos unas pulseras como presente, y vemos la posibilidad de conocerlo🤩 y mi hermana como es aventurera conmigo, se animó, alistamos nuestras cosas y nos fuimos caminando al hotel, 🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️al entrar estaba muy nerviosa 😥 realmente no sabíamos como nos iban a tratar las personas… cuando entramos hablamos con el muchacho recepcionista y le comentamos que queríamos entregarle unos detalles al cantante, en lo que nos dice que iba a hablar con la productora encargada para ver que podía hacer por nosotras.
Around 5 in the afternoon I see in a Redimi2 publication that he had already arrived in Marcay, and we were able to recognize the hotel where he was staying, and for God's sake, it is very close to where we live🏡, and I tell my sister - we go to the hotel, we bring him some bracelets as a present, and we see the possibility of meeting him🤩 and my sister, since she is adventurous with me, was encouraged, we got our things ready and we walked to the hotel, 🚶🏻♀️🚶🏻♀️ When we entered I was very nervous 😥 we really didn't know how people were going to treat us... when we entered we spoke to the receptionist boy and told him that we wanted to give some details to the singer, in which he told us that he was going to talk to the production company in charge to see What could he do for us?
Mientras estábamos esperando dentro del hotel, entablamos conversación con uno de los fotógrafos y nos comenta que deberíamos hablar con el pastor Jonathan que fue quién trajo a Redimi2 a Maracay, así que el muchacho que por cierto se llama Luis, nos hizo el favor de presentarnos el pastor, y le comentamos nuestro caso, le dijimos que queríamos entregarle un obsequio a Redimi2 y a su esposa.
While we were waiting inside the hotel, we struck up a conversation with one of the photographers and he told us that we should talk to Pastor Jonathan who was the one who brought Redimi2 to Maracay, so the boy who by the way is called Luis, did us the favor of introducing ourselves. the pastor, and we told him our case, we told him that we wanted to give a gift to Redimi2 and his wife.
En eso el pastor muy amablemente nos dice que si, que con todo gusto esperemos a que el baje, para darle los detalles, y para tomarnos fotos, y en eso me pregunta si nosotras íbamos al concierto y le comentamos que no, por no tener entradas, y nos dice -tranquilas, se van con nosotros, yo las hago pasar, y nos da entradas 🎫🎫 en eso yo quede 😱 en shock 🤯 de verdad que no sabía ni que decir de lo felizz que estaba 🥳🥳🥳🥳 quería saltar de un pie 🤩 yo estaba muyyy agradecida con Dios porque siempre es tann bueno con nosotras 🥹 siempre tan detallista ❤️✨ a El no se le escapa nada, El conoce nuestros corazones ❤️✨
At that, the pastor very kindly told us yes, that we would be happy to wait for him to come down, to give him the details, and to take photos, and at that point he asked me if we were going to the concert and we told him no, because we didn't have tickets, and he tells us - don't worry, they go with us, I make them pass, and he gives us tickets 🎫🎫 at that I was 😱 in shock 🤯 I really didn't know what to say about how happy I was I wanted jump on one foot 🤩 I was very grateful to God because he is always so good to us always so detailed ❤️✨ He doesn't miss anything, He knows our hearts ❤️✨
Luego de ese suceso tan espectacular, esperamos como 1 hora, mientras, estábamos hablando con los músicos de la banda, ellos nos comentaban que era primera vez que venían a Venezuela, que estaban felices por el trato que los Venezolanos les daban, por la comida tan sabrosa y los lugares tan bellos, y por dentro *obvio, es mi país 🇻🇪😍
After that spectacular event, we waited for about 1 hour, while we were talking with the musicians of the band, they told us that it was the first time they came to Venezuela, that they were happy for the treatment that the Venezuelans gave them, for the food so tasty and the places so beautiful, and inside *obviously, it's my country 🇻🇪😍
Mientras seguíamos hablando con ellos, bajan del ascensor Redimi2 y la esposa, estaban saludando a los pastores, y vimos como los que estaban ahí empezaron a saludarlo y tomarse fotos, nosotras esperando atrás tranquilamente pero suuuperr felicesss 🥹🥳✨ en eso el pastor Jonathan le dice directamente a Redimi2 que hay dos chicas que lo querían conocer y les tenían unos detalles, en eso nos dan espacio y se hace como un círculo y Redimido, la esposa, mi hermana y yo en el medio, yo por dentro “que pena”. 🙈😅
While we continued talking to them, Redimi2 and his wife came down from the elevator, they were greeting the pastors, and we saw how those who were there began to greet him and take photos, we were waiting in the back calmly but super happy ✨ at that Pastor Jonathan He tells Redimi2 directly that there are two girls who wanted to meet him and had some details for them, in that they give us space and it becomes like a circle and Redimido, the wife, my sister and I in the middle, me inside “what a shame.” . 🙈😅
Y los saludamos, les dijimos que éramos una pequeña empresa que querían darle unos detalles con mucho cariño, y cuando se los mostramos el nos preguntó si lo hacíamos nosotras y le dijimos que si✨😄 en eso nos dice en forma de juego -¿como se yo que lo hicieron ustedes y no que lo compraron en Brazil?😂 todos los que estaban ahí se rieron, y de una vez se colocó la pulsera y yo le ayudé a ajustársela nos dijo -esta es la ocasión para estrenarmela 🤩 y nosotras felicessss, mi hermana le comentó que esa pulsera tenía un significado (era negra con 3 piedras doras) que representa el Padre el Hijo y El Espíritu Santo que siempre nos acompaña ❤️✨también le mostramos el que le trajimos a la esposa Daliza,🌻 y a su hija Samanta💕 (pero la niña no vino con ellos)
And we greeted them, we told them that we were a small company that wanted to give them some details with great care, and when we showed them to them they asked us if we were doing it and we said yes✨😄 in that he tells us in the form of a game - how Do I know that you made it and not that you bought it in Brazil? 😂 everyone who was there laughed, and at once he put on the bracelet and I helped him adjust it, he told us - this is the opportunity to show it off to me 🤩 and we are happy , my sister told her that that bracelet had a meaning (it was black with 3 golden stones) that represents the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit who always accompanies us ❤️✨we also showed her the one we brought to wife Daliza,🌻 and her daughter Samanta💕 (but the girl did not come with them)
Bueno ahí hablamos un poco mas, los pastores que estaban alrededor le comentaron a el que mi papá es cantante de música llanera, entonces el le mandó saludos a mi papá con mucho aprecio. 🥰
Well there we talked a little more, the shepherds who were around told him that my father is a singer of llanera music, so he sent greetings to my father with great appreciation.
De ahí nos fuimos con el pastor Jonathan al concierto en su carro con su esposa y sus 3 niños 👧🏻🧒🏻👦🏻 al llegar nos colocaron en la zona VIP del concierto 🤩🌟 y disfrutamos muchísimooo, coreamos sus canciones,🎶 recordé mi infancia cuando lo escuchaba 24/7, los pastores nos subieron a la tarima, y me sentí muyy bendecida 🥹 porque pude caer en cuenta todo lo que nos estaba pasando, y pudiera llamarse un milagro, y una bendición ❤️✨
From there we went with Pastor Jonathan to the concert in his car with his wife and 3 children 👧🏻🧒🏻👦🏻 upon arrival they placed us in the VIP area of the concert 🤩🌟 and we enjoyed it very much, we sang their songs, I remembered my childhood When I listened to it 24/7, the shepherds brought us up to the stage, and I felt very blessed because I was able to realize everything that was happening to us, and it could be called a miracle, and a blessing ❤️✨
Ese día superó mis expectativas de 0 (porque no íbamos a ir al concierto) al 1.000 🤩 que hasta pudimos verlo y conocerlo.
Definitivamente Dios es maravillosoooo❤️ y Él conoce nuestros corazones 🌟 sabe lo que anhelamos y si esta dentro de su voluntad, el lo cumplirá ✨ así que te dejo un consejo “sigue creyendo, sigue pidiéndole a Dios eso que tanto anhelas, y El lo cumplirá” 🌟✨🥹
That day he exceeded my expectations from 0 (because we weren't going to go to the concert) to 1,000 🤩 that we even got to see him and meet him. God is definitely wonderful ❤️ and He knows our hearts 🌟 He knows what we long for and if it is within His will, He will fulfill it ✨ so I leave you some advice “keep believing, keep asking God for what you long for, and He will fulfill it ” 🌟✨
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Graciasss🥰🙌🏻🥳🥳 vamos avanzando paso
Qué linda experiencia la que nos has compartido, primeramente por el hecho de que recibiste una gran bendición, como dices en tu post, pasaste de cero a mil en unas horas y en segundo plano porque pudiste conocer a un artista que admiras y para todos los que nos apasiona la música, eso es un sueño hecho realidad.
Me alegra que hayas compartido esta linda experiencia con todos nosotros.
Muchass graciasss 🥹😍🙌🏻 y siii, fue un sueño hecho realidad ✨❤️