in Sound Music8 months ago

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Week 40 of Praise and Worship Music @oluthomas here, and I celebrate everyone in this beautiful place. I would like to take this time to express my gratitude to for allowing me to be a part of this community and for allowing me to provide the theme for week 40. Ma, you are very appreciated. You are so lovely.

I'm going to do a Yadah cover of {Beyound me/Mercy} during this 40th week, which has the topic of "Mercy."
This song discusses the main purpose for which God sent His son into the world and the necessity of His death and resurrection for His mercy and love to manifest in our lives.

My favorite song is this one. Because God has been merciful to me in life, I sing it almost every day, if not more often. I do wonder sometimes, "What if God were man?" I enjoy some of these free stuff therefore I'll have to pay for them.

Because of Jesus Christ's crucifixion and death, God's mercy is for everyone. He gave his life to pay for our sins, illnesses, suffering, and much more. God's mercy extends beyond the bare minimum of sin; it essentially means living life to the fullest and enjoying things you shouldn't be able to.

I recall the time I became ill, and I am grateful for His mercy in my life. I wasn't struggling the way other people were; I was fine at home taking my meds. His mercy. In His benevolence, He put me in charge of the job for which I was unfit.

So, I call you to continually give thanks to the Lord for His love toward you and all others in your life and to ask Him to extend mercy to you in the areas of your life that require it.

I hope my entry is enjoyable. Have a wonderful day, and if you could, please reblog, make a comment, and offer me any kind of encouragement.


You Looked past my sin, my guilt my shame and poured your love
You looked beyond me oh
You looked beyond me oh

You Looked past my sin, my guilt my shame and poured your love
You looked beyond me oh
You looked beyond me oh

I’m the one that you have shown mercy
You have shown me mercy
You have shown me mercy

I’m the one that you have shown mercy
You have shown me mercy
You have shown me mercy

I’m the little girl, the lost sheep
Lost in sin and filth, unworthy, yet you poured your love
Poured your love on me

I was naked and cold
I needed a covering fashioned to your taste
Yes you have dressed me in your righteousness alone

You Looked past my sin, my shame, my guilt
You poured your love

You looked beyond me oh
You looked beyond me oh

You saw my shame and my flaws
Yet you poured your love on me God.

You looked beyond me, beyond me oh

You looked beyond me oh

I’m the one that you have shown mercy
You have shown me mercy
You have shown me mercy

Ehhh I’m the one that you have shown mercy
You have shown me mercy
You have shown me mercy

You Looked past my sin, my guilt my shame and poured your love
You looked beyond me oh
You looked beyond me oh

Looked past my sin, my guilt my shame and poured your love
You looked beyond me oh
You looked beyond me oh

Looked past my sin, my guilt my shame and poured your love
You looked beyond me oh
You looked beyond me oh

Looked past my sin, my guilt my shame and poured your love
You looked beyond me oh
You looked beyond me oh

I’m the one that you have shown mercy
You have shown me mercy
You have shown me mercy

(I’m the very one that your love has covered)

I’m the one that you have shown mercy
You have shown me mercy
You have shown me mercy

I’m the one that you have shown mercy
You have shown me mercy
You have shown me mercy



Semana 40 de Música de Alabanza y Adoración @oluthomas aquí, y celebro a todos en este hermoso lugar. Me gustaría aprovechar este momento para expresar mi gratitud a por permitirme ser parte de esta comunidad y por permitirme proporcionar el tema para la semana 40. Mamá, te lo agradezco mucho. Eres encantador.

Voy a hacer una versión de Yadah de {Beyound me/Mercy} durante esta semana número 40, que tiene como tema "Mercy".
Esta canción analiza el propósito principal por el cual Dios envió a Su hijo al mundo y la necesidad de Su muerte y resurrección para que Su misericordia y amor se manifiesten en nuestras vidas.

Mi canción favorita es ésta. Debido a que Dios ha sido misericordioso conmigo en la vida, la canto casi todos los días, si no con más frecuencia. A veces me pregunto: "¿Y si Dios fuera hombre?" Disfruto de algunas de estas cosas gratuitas, por lo que tendré que pagar por ellas.

Debido a la crucifixión y muerte de Jesucristo, la misericordia de Dios es para todos. Dio su vida para pagar por nuestros pecados, enfermedades, sufrimiento y mucho más. La misericordia de Dios se extiende más allá del mínimo indispensable del pecado; Básicamente significa vivir la vida al máximo y disfrutar de cosas que no deberías poder hacer.

Recuerdo la vez que enfermé y estoy agradecido por Su misericordia en mi vida. No estaba luchando como lo hacían otras personas; Estaba bien en casa tomando mis medicamentos. Su misericordia. En Su benevolencia, me puso a cargo del trabajo para el cual no era apto.

Entonces, te llamo a dar gracias continuamente al Señor por Su amor hacia ti y a todos los demás en tu vida y a pedirle que te extienda misericordia en las áreas de tu vida que la requieran.

Espero que mi entrada sea agradable. Que tengas un día maravilloso y, si puedes, vuelve a blogear, haz un comentario y ofréceme cualquier tipo de aliento.

Translator: ***Goggle Translator ***

▶️ 3Speak


Wow i love it bros

Thank you so much bro, how are you doing bro?
Chat me up with your WhatsApp number sir. 08142237420

Awwn such a beautiful performance 😊

Thank you mama

Nice 😊

I will not say anything, you don't wanna teach me how to sing ba.
Thank you for commenting ma'am.

😂😂😂when you are ready let me know