My dear children of #hive, I send you my blessing, hoping you are very well, today for the acapella week 1 contest I bring you a jewel of Venezuelan music, its author Aquiles Nazoa and Simón Díaz gave this piece an infinite outdoor air, a beautiful song for this challenge, lately I have been absent due to vision problems, I have cataracts, I am making arrangements to be able to operate as soon as possible, but while that date arrives, I will sing in the opportunities I have, I hope you like it.
Aquiles Nazoa / Simón Díaz
Pusieron preso a tu marído Guillermina,
y se lo llevaron para una fuerte prisión,
y como Guillermina quería tanto a su marído,
fue a la cárcel a cantarle una canción.
Murió mi madre, yo estaba ausente,
yo ausente estaba, yo, yo no la vi,
pero me dijo mi padre que, en su agonía de muerte,
alzó su mano y me bendijo a mí.
Niña del campo que cortas flores
de nomeolvides y de azahar,
corta una rosa de dos colores
para mi amante que está al llegar.
Niña que bordas la blanca tela,
niña que tejes en tu telar,
bórdame el mapa de Venezuela
y un pañuelito para llorar.
Aquiles Nazoa
They imprisoned your marído Guillermina,
and they took him to a heavy prison,
and as Wilhelmina loved her marído so much,
he went to jail to sing him a song.My mother died, I was absent,
I was absent, I, I didn't see it,
but my father told me that, in his agony of death,
He raised his hand and blessed me.Country girl who cuts flowers
of nomeolvides and of azahar,
cut a two-color rose
for my lover who is on arrivalGirl who embroiders the white fabric,
girl you weave on your loom,
bórdame the map of Venezuela
and a handkerchieve to cry on.
Que lindo canto, me sacaste unas lagrimitas a pasear, que bello.
The Creative Coin Fund
Manual selection by @andrewmusic.
Que bella interpretación mi querida @omairita, gracias por participar en este concurso. Ese tema no lo conocía y me fascinó, muy buen trabajo. Te adoro.
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