✨ BuzzParty News & Community Compilation ✨

Our aim is to support local Hive events and meetups all over the world. One part of this support is by upvotes of posts inside of our community. If you plan an event or you want to write a recap about one you have hosted/attended then feel free to post it inside of our community!

This compilation is amazing and captures various big and small events all around the globe:

  • Hive Margerita
  • Hive Meetup Aachen
  • many smaller meetups and events

The Kingdom

image by @hallmann
The Kingdom is doing a lot for their community and for Hive! These guys and girls organize workshops, board game nights, come together to watch soccer, and on top of everything promote Hive within their halls. This is a great example of how the DHF can be used to create a positive impact for local communities and for Hive!
image by @hallmann
There is a more specific report

We are looking forward to see more of them in the future and their inspiration for the Hive community!
But we want to highlight 2 posts about **the Kingdom in Krakow** by @hallmann: where they go in detail about how much of the @valueplan funding is used on what and the list is amazing!

Party Recaps / Experiences

Meetup Hive Margarita / Antolín Territorio Hive [ESP-ENG]

Hola queridos amigos de @buzzpartymeethive, es un gusto estar por aqui de nuevo con ustedes, para co...
Hive Aachen Meetup 2024 Mainevent

ENGLISCHHello dear Meetup friendsAs promised, today I will show you how I got to the Hive Meetup in ...
¡Mi 2da reunión de Hivers en la Isla de Margarita! [ESP-ENG]

Hola amigos buzzpartymeethive, espero se encuentren bien, por este lado hemos tenido días de mucha l...

friends of this beautiful community I hope you are all very well and your week is full of good thin...
Meetup para conocer nuevos Hivers [Esp/Eng]

La semana pasada, específicamente el día miércoles, tuvimos un pequeño meetup para conocer a tres n...
June ceramics workshop powered by Hive [PL/ENG]

PL: Za nami kolejne warsztaty ceramiczne powered by Hive. Tym razem uczestniczyło w nich 7 osób. W p...
Meetup en la feria [Esp/Eng]

Buenas tardes, hermosa comunidad, espero que se encuentren rebosantes de buenas vibras y salud. De ...
Party for 9 years of the Kingdom [ENG/PL]

ENG: This was to be the biggest event of June and it was. On 29 June we celebrated nine years of the...
[Deu/Eng] Hivemeetup Aachen Day 2 Mainday

Ich habe das Hivemeetup Aachen erfolgreich hinter mich gebracht und bin gerade auf dem Heimweg. Jetz...
Meine kurze Zusammenfassung vom Hive Meetup 13 in Aachen

Hallo liebe Hiver,am letzten Freitag und Samstag, 28.+29.6.2024, fand in Aachen das 13. Hive Meetup ...
[ESP]Conociendo a nuevos Hivers. [ENG]Meeting new Hivers.

queridos amigos, es para mi un placer comentarles un pequeño Meetup al cual fui invitada hace en dí...
Speaker Images @detlev #13 Aachen Meetup June 29th.

Speaker Images @dercio #13 Aachen Meetup June 29th.

Speaker Images @achimmertens #13 Aachen Meetup June 29th.

Speaker Images @quekery #13 Aachen Meetup June 29th.

Speaker Images / Presentation - Ivan Dimitrov from Fraunhofer Institute #13 Aachen Meetup June 29th.

Ivan Dimitrov from the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT discussed various...

Party Shills by Attendees

Hive Meetup Aachen 2024: Vorbereitung und Planung // Hive Meetup Aachen 2024: Preparation and planning DE/EN

Hallo liebe CommunityUm mich war es wieder etwas stiller die letzteZeit, doch heute habe ich euch wi...
[Deu/Eng] Hivemeetup Aachen

Made by CopilotAuf dem Weg zum Hivemeetup AachenHeute und morgen findet das Hivemeetup Aachen statt....

Host a Buzz Party!

There are many ways you can register your meetup / event as Buzz Party:

  • Post your announcement directly into our C/BuzzParty Meet Hive!
  • Ping our curation account @buzzparty within your post or a comment
  • Contact us via Discord or Telegram
  • maintain your parties yourself via our discord integrations (more info soon)

  • Buzz Party is a initiative on Hive

    Buzz Party owes its existence to Hive, a revolutionary decentralized system. Buzz Party is made possible by the support of the Decentralized Hive Fund and the hard work of individuals within the Hive community, showing the strength of teamwork and decentralized decision-making.

    Hive is an innovative blockchain platform that puts you in control of your data and content. The Hive community collaborates together to shape the platform, creating a welcoming and rewarding environment. Hive Meetups, also known as "Buzz Parties," bring together people who share common interests and passions in fun gatherings around the world.

    To learn more about Hive and its exciting possibilities, check out hive.io, the official website that showcases what Hive is all about. Join the movement and embrace the potential of decentralized social networking, where creativity and community are celebrated. Be a part of the future of social networking, powered by the people, for the people.

    If you don't have a Hive account already, you can easily create one for free through Hive Onboard.

    Join the Buzz Party Community on Hive | Join our Discord Server

    created by: @floreudys79curated by: @stevenson7created by: @bechibennercurated by: @stevenson7created by: @floreudys79curated by: @tibfoxcreated by: @rostegocurated by: @tibfoxcreated by: @rlathuleriecurated by: @tibfoxcreated by: @hallmanncurated by: @tibfoxcreated by: @egleidyssc74curated by: @tibfoxcreated by: @hallmanncurated by: @tibfoxcreated by: @quekerycurated by: @tibfoxcreated by: @achimmertenscurated by: @tibfoxcreated by: @elisilva05curated by: @tibfoxcreated by: @louis88curated by: @tibfoxPicture by @louis88 / June 2024 Meetup AachenLast Saturday, a fantastic event was organized at the D...created by: @louis88curated by: @tibfox@dercio, a blockchain expert since 2020 and founder of Birdlabs, introduced the concept of decentral...created by: @louis88curated by: @tibfox@achimmertens, a member of the Steem/Hive community since 2018, discussed his involvement in blockch...created by: @louis88curated by: @tibfoxPicture by @louis88 / June 2024 Meetup Aachen@quekery discussed his team's activities, focusing on t...created by: @louis88curated by: @tibfoxcreated by: @bechibennercurated by: @tibfoxcreated by: @quekerycurated by: @tibfox

    Yes I saw it buuuuut this is a compilation of our community and you didn't posted into it unfortunately ^^ but your post is 100% valid for the contest ;)