HiveBeeCon 360 [ENG/PL]

in BuzzParty Meet Hive!last year (edited)

ENG: 360 photos have enormous documentary potential. They show you everything. You can look around. It is therefore much more difficult to hide something on them or to falsify reality. So I hope that the following series will take everyone back to the Kingdom of 7 October 2023 than the usual photographs. Just click on the link below.

PL: Zdjęcia 360 mają w sobie ogromny potencjał dokumentacyjny. Pokazują wszystko. Można rozejrzeć się wokoło. O wiele trudniej więc coś na nich ukryć lub zafałszować rzeczywistość. Mam więc nadzieję, że poniższa seria o wiele bardziej niż zwykłe fotografie przeniesie wszystkich raz jeszcze do Królestwa z dnia 7 października 2023. Wystarczy kliknąć w link poniżej.

HiveBeeCon 360

ENG: Unfortunately, 360 photos need to be viewed on suitable sites that can turn an image file (such as the one below) into a sphere. On Hive, the @Dlux app is used for this. Unfortunately, I've been having trouble uploading anything there for a long time. I have therefore had to choose another service. Pity.

PL: Niestety zdjęcia 360 trzeba oglądać tylko na odpowiednich stronach, które potrafią zamienić plik graficzny (taki jak poniżej) w sferę. Na Hive służy do tego aplikacja @Dlux. Niestety od dłuższego czasu mam problem z wrzuceniem tam czegokolwiek. Dlatego też musiałem wybrać inny serwis. Szkoda.


ENG: Of course, these 10 moments captured in the photos cannot do justice to the atmosphere of the meeting. However, they show the most important aspect of @HiveBeeCon - a meeting of an open, friendly community where everyone could feel comfortable. More than 20% of attendees are inactive or do not have an account at all. Although this is slowly changing... Today Andrii from Ukraine, who has been living in Krakow for over a year, asked me to set up a Hive account. A week ago, during a conversational Polish lesson, I invited him to a Saturday meeting. He came and spent a few hours talking. This convinced him. You guys convinced him! Now we wait for the first entry from @protokaryon.

PL: Oczywiście te 10 momentów uchwyconych na zdjęciach nie może oddać w pełni klimatu spotkania. Pokazuje jednak najważniejszy aspekt HiveBeeConu - spotkanie otwartej, przyjaznej społeczności, na którym każdy mógł poczuć się dobrze. Ponad 20% uczestników jest nieaktywna lub w ogóle nie ma konta. Choć to powoli się zmienia... Dziś Andrii z Ukrainy, który mieszka w Krakowie od ponad roku, poprosił mnie o założenie konta Hive. Tydzień temu podczas konwersacyjnych lekcji polskiego zaprosiłem go na sobotnie spotkanie. Przyszedł i spędził kilka godzin na rozmowach. To go przekonało. Wy go przekonaliście! Teraz czekamy na pierwszy wpis @protokaryon'a.


ENG: At Hive we talk a lot about decentralisation, about tokenisation, about different technical aspects, about investors. And that is ok. The problem is that not enough is shown about the community. There are too few opportunities to meet this community in the real world. HiveFest could be something like that if it wasn't so exclusive. But this is the best way to show what Hive is. At HiveBeeCon there was only a substitute for this, due to the short preparation time. The most important thing, however, is that the few people who came from outside will remember this meeting as a super party and not a boring conference. And to be clear: I have nothing against conferences. The only problem is that they will not attract content creators to the blockchain. And that seems to be the basis.

PL: Na Hive bardzo dużo mówimy o decentralizacji, o tokenizacji, o różnych technicznych aspektach, o inwestorach. I to jest ok. Problem w tym, że za mało pokazuje się społeczność. Za mało jest okazji, żeby tę społeczność spotkać w realnym świecie. Czymś takim mógłby być HiveFest, gdyby nie był tak ekskluzywny. A jest to najlepsza droga pokazania czym jest Hive. Na HiveBeeConie była tego jedynie namiastka, co wynikało z krótkiego czasu przygotowania. Najważniejsze jest jednak to, że te kilka osób, które przyszły z zewnątrz zapamiętają to spotkanie jako super imprezę, a nie nudną konferencję. I żeby było jasne: nie mam nic przeciwko konferencjom. Problem tylko w tym, że nie przyciągną one na blockchain twórców treści. A to wydaje się być podstawą.


ENG: Of course, this is nothing new to me. The development of Hive is only possible through the development of the community. I have been writing about this since 2018 when we organised the first Polish community meetings in the Kingdom. Saturday's meeting, however, was special. It showed how much potential there is in the intermingling of global and local communities. Both Joandra from Aruba and Sari from Ecuador, who we teach Polish and who we invited to the event, felt very comfortable among completely unknown people. What's more, they were even able to chat in their native languages. Undoubtedly, it was one of the best events in the Kingdom. People talked, played games and used cryptocurrencies (instead of just talking about them). I looked at it with great joy and satisfaction that we dared to go down this path.

PL: Oczywiście nie jest to dla mnie nic nowego. Rozwoj Hive jest możliwy tylko przez rozwój społeczności. Piszę o tym od 2018 roku kiedy w Królestwie zorganizowaliśmy pierwsze spotkania polskiej społeczności. Sobotnie spotkanie było jednak wyjątkowe. Pokazało, jak ogromny potencjał tkwi w przenikaniu się społeczności globalnej z lokalnymi. Zarówno Joandra z Aruby, jak i Sari z Ekwadoru, które uczymy polskiego i które zaprosiliśmy na imprezę, czuły się bardzo dobrze wśród zupełnie nieznanych osób. Co więcej mogły nawet porozmawiać w swoich rodzimych językach. Niewątpliwie była to jedna z lepszych imprez w Królestwie. Ludzie rozmawiali, grali w gry i używali kryptowalut (zamiast o nich tylko mówić). Patrzyłem na to z wielką radością i satysfakcją, że odważyliśmy się pójść tą drogą.


ENG: It is with equal satisfaction that I read the various stories from HiveBeeCon. I am delighted that our venue is being appreciated. And you are right: there is no other like it. But there is also little competition, because the implementation of Hive in real places is negligible. So I hope that HiveBeeCon was just the beginning of a series of Hive house parties in the Kingdom. By the way, several people have suggested applying to the DHF to support @krolestwo development. This would no doubt open up new prospects for us. On the other hand, however, I don't know if we have enough clout to convince the whales. Those who have not been to KBK will not believe it. What do you think?

PL: Z równie dużą satysfakcją czytam różne relacje z HiveBeeConu. Cieszę się, że nasze miejsce jest docenione. I macie rację: drugiego takiego nie ma. Ale też konkurencja jest niewielka, bo implementacja Hive w rzeczywistych miejscach jest znikoma. Mam więc nadzieję, że HiveBeeCon był jedynie początkiem serii hive'owych domówek w Królestwie. A propos, kilka osób sugerowało, żeby złożyć wniosek do DHF na wsparcie rozwoju @krolestwo. Bez wątpienia otworzyłoby to dla nas nowe perspektywy. Z drugiej jednak strony nie wiem czy mamy wystarczająco dużą siłę przebicia, żeby przekonać wieloryby. Kto nie był w KBK ten nie uwierzy. Co myślicie?


ENG: Whatever the case, I hope we will meet many more times. The doors of the Kingdom are always open. Not just for Hive users, as you can see from the @hive.aid account. As soon as you're in Krakow, check out Biskupia 18 - see you there!

PL: Niezależnie od tego, co będzie mam nadzieję, że spotkamy się jeszcze nie raz. Drzwi Królestwa są zawsze otwarte. Zresztą nie tylko dla użytkowników Hive, o czym można się przekonać na koncie @hive.aid. Jak tylko będziecie w Krakowie, to zajrzyjcie na Biskupią 18. Do zobaczenia!

PS. It is VIRTUAL TOUR so there is more than one picture to view.


Finally Andrii has an account!
Welcome @protokaryon! I will send your hivebeecon attendee nft at the soonest!

You are right about the Kingdom being a very unique place. It was the first meetup I've been to where I could talk to others who weren't on hive, make friends, and also invite them to hive. The kingdom has been doing this for a long time, now.

"Kingdom without limits" the statement stands true in many aspects as it keeps beating expectations.

The dhf recommendation isn't a bad one. The proposals are scrutinised by the entirety of the blockchain. Pros and cons are weighed and the community makes the decision. It is totally worth it since applying for a dhf means integrating with the blockchain even more. Whether or not the proposal reaches threshold, the dhf should give you more insight to use and develop the kingdom as more people look into the proposal and have opinions.

With ambassadors like you, anything is possible! :) The only downside is that the DHF application is not free, so I prefer to gather feedback first.

Thanks for sharing these great 3D photos! We were at Kingdom for 3 days in a row, including yesterday evening! Looking at these photos I have a feeling of being there for the 4th day in a row!

Regarding the DHF proposal, I suppose that it is possible to be funded... It all depends on the elaborated idea, asked funds, and potential... We, who were there can understand the potential, now we have to transfer that to the rest... Some people already did a part of that by sharing stories from the #HiveBeeCon (I will too... Promise! 😃 )... So.. Why not?!

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project which will be highlighted in the next post!

Comment Footer.jpg

I will too... Promise!

So I look forward to it :) BTW, there are also other photos from the past on my account. If you want to know what the place looked like before it opened click here.

Curious, how do you create such visuals - any special lens, or special soft to stitch a series of fish-eye captures together? Looks teasing to me. !LUV

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Made with LUV by crrdlx

Special 360 camera (Theta Z1).

Never heard of it, I will educate myself. Thanks!

Two reflections from me from HiveBeeCon.

HiveBeeCon was the first time I used HBD to actually buy something. I know part of the Venezuelan community does it often, but it would be great if this can be extended to more places around the world.

The diversity at HiveBeeCon was amazing and reflects how diverse Hive as a whole is. I was especially pleased to see the diversity extends to the non Hive guest, and had a good conversation with Sari who's a Taiwanese living in Ecuador. Who would have thought such an encounter would happen in Poland.

As to the DHF proposal, would the Value Plan be better? I think if there are tangible external projects that can show how Hive can contribute and help communities, and maybe help raise Hive's profile at the same time, it should have a very good chance. The Polish lessons you're running for Ukrainian refugees is already a prime example. At least that's my understanding of how the Value Plan works

Thanks for sharing the images, its nice to relive the gathering, and I see that everyone prefers the kitchen !!

The diversity at HiveBeeCon was amazing and reflects how diverse Hive as a whole is.

I think showing this is the best promotion. And thanks for your suggestions. I need to read more about this Value Plan.

You can check out this link to find out more information about the value plan

DHF: Honestly? I believe the Kingdom deserves some funds from DHF. You and the rest are doing such great things to build and onboard peeps. An example for the rest of the world.

It was so nice to see (and read) some of your non-HIVE guests had a great time. Must admit, I was positively surprised how easily we all mingled. Perfect for people to join in. Had a great convo with Joandra. Hope she will have a great time in Krakow and success with her TAOism 'classes' and whatnot.

Those 360-degree photos. How do you shoot/make them? With some special app on a smartphone, or a 360-degree camera connected to something?

I use 360 cameras. For photography mainly the Theta Z1. For videos the GoPro Fusion.

I became interested in VR at the right time, in early 2019, which allowed me to document the last moments of the Kingdom in Rzeszów and the first moments of the Kingdom in Krakow.

Closing in Rzeszów:

Opening in Kraków:

So nice you started that soon with 360-degree recording.
I never did, to be honest. I think it's great for videos indeed, well VR setup, or something similar where we see the material in a #D place.
Who knows, I may start experimenting with this type of photography and video, since I like what it can give from UX point of view. However, I think it'll take some time still. Time is of the essence here; Somehow I need to create more of it 🙃

This technology is still developing, so time will bring even more possibilities and better quality :)