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RE: Recap of HiveBeeCon in Krakow

40 hivers? Wow! That's a great number.

The kingdom looks so cool. I like it's natural furniture color.

Oh, @mipiano and @ph1102 are couples? Good to see them with you in that pictures.

Meeting people you know online for sure is really exciting and fun.


It looks like we made a "spoiler" by attending this event together... 😃 The thing is that we didn't hide that we are a couple, but we were active in different communities... But, you can't stay "separated" on HIVE as everything comes together...

Exactly that happened on this HiveBeeCon! So many great people! The best spent time ever!

I hope that we will see you too at the next one!

Good to know that there were couples in hive and you both are great in this platform. Yes, in hive everything are connected.

Hmmm I'm from the island of Mindanao here in Philippines. It seems that I am so far.

Hmmm I'm from the island of Mindanao here in Philippines. It seems that I am so far.

Nothing is too far... :)