A musical Royal Route to HiveBeeCon!


Sombor, Serbia (2022)

This year has begun with a "travel" activity that does not seem to stop. On January 1, my son, my husband and I started a road trip along the coast of Andalucía where we visited Almería, Málaga, Tarifa, Cádiz and Huelva. After that, we crossed to Portugal where my best friend also accompanied us. Lisbon, Nazaré and Porto were our destinations. On almost every trip we meet some Hivers, which has also happened in Portugal. My friend was almost in shock: you meet people you only know through Hive?

Oh yeah. We do that. We also met a Hiver and his dogs in Italy last year, as well as other Hive people from Serbia (both last year and this year). In Spain, we greeted a Hiver from France and another from The Netherlands when they came to spend their holidays on the Spanish coast.

That's great, isn't it? :))

My husband went last year to HiveFest in Amsterdam, but I didn't make it. Now I am heading to the #HiveBeeCon! 😎

As you may already have seen, this little meetup will be held in Krakow, Poland.
I think it was not planned to happen as a big meetup but people are joining. So cool! I am responsible for at least one Hiver who {his words}: was forced by me to join. And I also made my husband not hesitate at all. We wanted to travel somewhere anyway as if it was not enough journeys for this year 😂. Our south Spain travel, Portugal, France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Hungary for 2023. And Madrid, but it was just my journey for work. Poland will be added to the list. But what is more important in this travel is meeting other people from Hive! It would be cool to meet also some other people who can't make it to Krakow but maybe next time? 😉


This photo was taken in Belgrade (2022). I will probably do the same in Krakow 😁

For our Royal Route to The Kingdom, we have bought the plane tickets and sorted out the accommodation in the Old Town in Krakow. We will fly with Ryanair, with the basic tariff. Just hand language - and the size is tricky: 40 x 20 x 25 cm. None of our little suitcases, backpacks, or bags match these measures. Well, one backpack is okay but we had to buy today another one that could serve. I hope it will be enough, two backpacks like this from the photo, and in case we have more stuff we can always buy an additional piece of luggage. However, we will try to travel light.


I have to put my music scores too, as... maybe I will play the piano there. The agenda was officially announced here, with interesting workshops, sweetened maybe with chocolate and for sure with an excursion to the Wieliczka Salt Mine. :))

I was not sure about the weather in Krakow so I bought warm shoes that I will probably leave at home, as the forecast is more positive than I thought. Well, I can travel to some colder places during the winter, just because of my new, warm footwear haha!

warm footwear


I also found a jacket I usually wear during the winter. (Spanish winter is not the same cold as in other, northern European countries). That was funny as I found 50€ in the inner pocket!! Yay!

I already spent it 😂

My Route to HiveBeeCon also implies piano studying 🎶🎶🎶🎶, so dear Hivers, I should go now and play my piano. If you are somewhere close to Poland and want to join the meetup on October 7, feel free to check out Invitation Post. See you there :)



This post is so soothing.

From you and your family embarking on a road trip and you meeting fellow hivers, it must have felt so good. I also love road trips so much, although I have done very little of it. Hopefully, in very few years to come, maybe i'd be writing about my traveling experience with my family in my very cozy camp bus, sipping hot coffee on a cold morning.

By the way, I wish I was somewhere near Poland, I would have left every other thing to turn up for the event. Have funnnnnnnn

Thanks, I suppose we will have fun :))

Traveling is something we like, meeting fellow Hivers too. So why not mixing those two activities? Oh, I am adding music too in that mix 😁

Sounds really nice☺️😌

I have to put my music scores too, as... maybe I will play the piano there.



Maybe for sure not just maybe 😋

🎹 🎶 💯

G, G, Am ... ;-)




You may pass! :-D

Wowww you have travelled! What a wonderful years and how many places you met, I love that, I love them!

Hope that big reunion is great and please don't miss the piano!

Thanks @mipiano ❤️

It was a good year in this field, indeed. 🚗 🚅 🛫

Let's keep taking advantage of the fact that everything is going smoothly!😀

Wow! You have traveled a lot and you met a numbers of hivers too. I really want to.join hive meet up because I haven't tried too but unfortunately hive meet up here in Philippines happened in another island and it is far from me so I haven't meet any of the hiver yet. Hopefully I will meet some someday.

Good luck on the meet up and for sure it will be filled with so much fun and excitement.

I work a lot, and when not I like to use that time to see new places and meet people - that's even nicer ;)

That would be always interesting and exciting.

Safe travel and have some fun! I know you'll be playing as well :) Admire the Wieliczka Salt Mine as it's beautiful! I've been there once, ages ago.

This will be our first time in Poland, I am so looking forward to it!
Thank you 😀

Amiga disculpa el español es muy tarde y ya no puedo pensar bien. No se por que automáticamente te sigo o te dejo de seguir. Entonces no veo tus post que disfruto tanto. Parece vas de viaje que bueno que te has comprado calzado apropiado enséñanos todo lo que veas por ahí un saludo desde la Habana hoy ando por la capital y ahí lo deje en un post

No te preocupes por escribir en español, yo lo entiendo bien ;)

Y eso de dejar de seguir, está todo bien. Suele pasar, no te preocupes.
Sí, nos iremos de viaje, justo en una semana. Bueno, ya menos que una semana 😁
Ya veo que lo estás pasando bien, disfruta de las rimas y música! 😇

This should go live, your presentation there at The Kingdom. I love your shoes. And that backpack is like my gray Rosita. Mine is prettier.

¿Quieres verla?

Well, it is just a little meeting and having fun, so it is not planned to go live. We will see, maybe a little video or similar

Yes, I believe Rosita is prettier. This was just a $19 backpack from Decathlon, but if you want, you can show us Rosita. 😉

😅 Piano estaba haciendo como los niños (la mía es más linda que la tuya, buuuuu 😜)

This was just a $19 backpack from Decathlon

Buen precio, de verdad eres buena en eso de economizar 😇.

It's great that there is another Hivers meeting, now in Krakow, I hope you have a special time.
What a shame to be so far away 😕

Seems that hive people like to meet. That is how a community can remain strong 😉

I wish all my passengers traveled light like you. Playing huh, I'm sure someone will record so we can all see right? !LOLZ

Hahah, traveling light as we will stay just from 6th to 10th, so no need for more. Well, I will see if this is enough when I start packing 😂

Piano- yes, I will play 🎶 😉

Speaking of Pianos I captured this one recently 😁 Have a great rest of your week

A beautiful baby 😍

I invented a new word today.

Credit: reddit
@mipiano, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of coolmidwestguy

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Oh would love to be there if I could, and most because it's gonna be the 7 which is my birthday 🎉 jajjaj also I love Poland and have very good friends there , I don't see the time when I could go to Europe 🥲

Oh, Libra! Cool.

{yo también 😉}

Happy birthday in advance then, and how do you have friends there? Did they go there from Cuba?

I don't see the time when I could go to Europe 🥲


I had Cuban friends living in Poland and have some Polish friends, that I have meet them here in Habana on they vacation 😁 that was
when you could come to have vacation here know I don't recommend it to anyone

Hahahah you made me laugh with the 50€ note! That is a great surprise :P
It looks like a year with a lot of movement and Hiver meetings <3 lovely to be part of the next one.
Also wanted to share, as far as my concern, Ryanair is not strict with how tinny the bag is, as far as you travel with a "small backpack", they won't complain. Every time I take this "offer" I always fly with this backpack, which is the "standard Decathlon one that everybody has in Spain", no problem, as far as it fits under the seat.
See you soon!

The 50€ note was a super surprise, but the car needed fuel so it's gone already 😂

Really, they are not that strict? Good to hear that, thank you! Anyway, I will use that one from the photo as we have already bought it :D Plus another one for hubby. I wanted to bring a hat for me, but don't think it can fit into the bag. And wearing it in the airport would be too funny haha. I mean, ridiculous 😂

Naaah come ooon! Really, they won't say anything about the hat, you can have it in your hand. There's nothing ridiculous, and those who think that it is actually their problem.
I wish you had seen me at the airport some times 🤣

Wow how many places all are beautifull
Btw good luck and play your piano cause is amazing

Thank you, I will try to offer my fellow Hiver some nice musical moments. We will see wether they would like it :D

Going on a trip is good because one gets a new experience by going and seeing new beautiful places which relaxes one's mind a lot and as we can see in the picture the weather is very beautiful.

I'm glad that you will be at the Hivebeecon
Music is the best thing to play so you could enjoy the trip. Nice one and your footwear is lovely

Thanks ;)

wow I love quechua bags hahaha

amazing experience

Haha, several of Quechua things that we have. It's okish 😉

Soooooooo jealous!

Wish I loved in Europe so I could be close to all of the exciting hive events and be able to afford to go!

We're so far away from everything here in Australia and it is sooo expensive to fly anywhere else...it even costs an arm and a leg to fly just within Australia...

Have fun though and say hi to everyone there for me...


Oh, so there is a crypto and blockchain even in Australia too!! Cool 🙂

It is not cheap here either, but I guess flying from Australia to Europe must be much more expensive 🥲

Yes, they're definitely getting more popular by the day over here by the looks of it.

I really hope that we can have a HIVE stand over here so we can show everyone how awesome the HIVE is....

Honestly, it’s been such a great year for you and your family.
Always on transit and traveling. It really must be fun😊

It is 😇
Well, I don't always travel as I do have to work lol, but when I have vacations.

Wow that’s really nice