Hola a todos. Hoy salí a correr después de una semana de reposo debido a un problema de salud. Me sentí bastante bien, muy motivada a pesar de tener que salir sola. Y ni hablar de la satisfacción de ver al final de los 3 kilómetros el ritmo promedio por debajo de 9 minutos.
Sé que he prometido muchas veces que saldría a correr, pero luego he presentado un problema u otro y no he podido cumplir mi meta. El día de hoy iba a pasar lo mismo debido a que no contaba con nadie que me pudiera acompañar. Sin embargo, me armé de valor y decidí salir a trotar. Elegí un sector cercano a mi casa y en el que no hubiera tráfico, lo que facilita correr sin tanto temor.
El ritmo promedio es algo que me dio mucha felicidad pues, debido a los muchos días que tenia sin correr, me preocupaba no estar dentro de los requerimientos de la comunidad. Sin embargo, logré hacer 3.14 km a una velocidad de 8:44 minutos por kilómetro. Hoy no voy a prometer nada porque no quiero volver a quedar mal con mis promesas, pero de algo sí estoy segura y es de que esta de hoy no será mi última carrera para #hiverun.
Hello everyone. Today I went out for a run after a week of rest due to a health problem. I felt pretty good, very motivated despite having to go out alone. And not to mention the satisfaction of seeing the average pace under 9 minutes at the end of the 3 kilometers.
I know that I have promised many times that I would go out for a run, but then one problem or another has presented itself and I have not been able to meet my goal. Today the same thing was going to happen because I did not have anyone who could accompany me. However, I gathered my courage and decided to go jogging. I chose an area close to my house and where there was no traffic, which makes it easier to run without so much fear.
The average pace is something that made me very happy because, due to the many days I had not run, I was worried about not being within the community requirements. However, I managed to run 3.14 km at a speed of 8:44 minutes per kilometer. Today I'm not going to promise anything because I don't want to fail with my promises again, but I'm sure of one thing and that is that today won't be my last race for #hiverun.